Chapter 5

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Liam's POV:

I toss my stuff into the last empty room. I walk out of the room and walk back downstairs. Allison is just coming up the stairs. She walks into the kitchen and I walk behind. I stop at the door frame and knock on the wood.

"Need some help?" I ask and she jumps. She turns around and is blushing?

"Oh.. Um sure." She stutters out. Is she nervous? I walk into the kitchen.

"What are we making." I ask her as she pulls out pots.

"Chicken Alfredo." She pulls out the pasta and passes it to me.

"Cook this please." She says and hands me a pot. I walk over to the sink to fill it with water when I hear a faint humming. The tune is so familiar that I would recognize it anywhere. I smile and start to sing along.

I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile,

You've never loved your stomach or your thighs

The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine

She jumps and stops humming. I fill the pot with water and stop singing.

"I'm sorry." I apologize as I put the water on to boil.

"No, it's fine. I- I just had the tune in my head." She stumbles over the words as she put the chicken in the oven. I aimlessly stir the pasta as she starts on the Alfredo sauce. She starts humming the rest of the song quietly as I smile.

"Favorite song?" I ask. She looks at me surprised as she nods. I smile. She pulls out the chicken and mixes it with the sauce. I take the pasta off the burner and strain it into a bowl.

"I can finish from here. Go tell the other lads to wash up and come to the living room." She says, without looking at me. I walk out of the kitchen to the stairs.

"Lads! Supper!" I call and sit on the couch. As the rest of them walk into the living room, I swear I could hear her singing,


Zayn's POV:

"Lads! Supper!" Liam yells from downstairs stairs. Niall flies out of the room. Harry laughs and charges after him. I follow and stay quiet. Who is singing? As soon as I make it to the living room, the singing stops.

"It smells soooo good!" Niall yells as Allison brings in a pot of food.She laughs and sets it on the table. Niall reaches for it, and she slaps his hand with a wooden spoon and he pulls it back, shock and pain on his face.

"We wait for Louis." She says. Louis walks up the stairs as she sets out plates. Niall looks at the food hungrily as she hands Liam and Louis their plates.

"Louis, Liam. You two may grab your food." She says smiling as Niall looks like he is about to burst into tears.

"Zayn, your next, then Harry, then Niall." She says as we grab our food one by one. Niall puts about half of it on his plate and she laughs. She puts what's left on her plate and sits on the floor.

"Take my spot Alli." Harry says and stands up. I roll my eyes and she laughs. She has a beautiful laugh. 

"Harry, you are the guest. You keep your spot." She says and starts eating. I look at Niall and he is almost done. About five minutes later, Niall looks up and sees she is just finishing her dessert, He looks at her in shock. She finishes her cookie and look up.

"What?" She asks.

"You ate faster than Niall......" Harry says in shock.

"So?" She says, looking confused. She shrugs and stands up, picking up dishes.

"Anybody else done?" She asks and the lads pass her the dishes. She takes them into the kitchen and comes out with a plate of cookies. She sets them on the table as the rest of the lads dig in. I laugh and stand up.

"Need help with the dishes?" I ask as she walks to the kitchen. She looks at me, smiles, and nods.


Allison's POV

I bring out a plate of cookies and watch all the lads dig in, except for Zayn. He stands up.

"Do you need help with the dishes?" He asks. I smile and nod. He follows me into the kitchen. I look back at the lads and Louis look at me with a flash of jealousy? I walk into the kitchen and start filling the sinks.

"So how long has Paul known my dad?" I ask Zayn as he digs for a towel.

"Said they grew up together. Where are the towels?" He replies and bangs his head on the cupboard. I laugh.

"Really now? And this drawer." I pull out a towel and toss it to him, while scrubbing the pots.

"Thanks." He says, catching it and drying the dishes. I nod and start humming again. He smiles and hums along.

"Do you know the words?" He asks. I look at him startled.

"Um.. Yea... Why?" I ask, not sounding sure.

"I was wondering if you would sing with me?" I shake me head swiftly. His face flashes with hurt.

"I- I'm sorry." I drain th sink, quickly dry my hands.

"I'll be in my room if you need me." I say a bit to quickly and bolt downstairs to my room. I open my door.


Undiscovered Talent (A One Direction Fan Fiction) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now