Chapter 30

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Harry's POV

 I drop my glass. The only sound in the room is every ones gasps and the sound of a breaking glass.

"Why? He wouldn't stoop this low...." Liam trails off.

"Would he?" Niall asks

"We need to get over there now." I say. Louis looks at me, and I walk over to him and hug him.

"Is she going to be okay?" He whispers. I nod.

"She's going to be fine. Let's go see her." I say. Liam runs out to the car and the rest of us follow. We drive down Circle drive and up Preston when Liam's phone rings.

"Zayn! Can you get that?" Liam calls to the back, tossing the phone.

"Sure thing!" He calls up to Liam and answers the phone.

"Hello?.... Okay... Sure... Wait what? Put her on please."

"Zayn what's going on?" I ask. He motions for me to be quiet and puts the phone on speaker.

"Hello?" Zayn says again.

"Hello..." A feminine voice says. Louis' eyes look like their filling with tears.

"Boo it's okay." I say to him.

"Louis.....?" She says through the phone. Niall and I look lost. Liam is concentrating on the road. Louis starts to smile.

"Louis? What's going on?" Niall asks, looking confused. Zayn sits there smiling.

"I can't believe it..." He whispers.

"Boobear, you're scaring me..." She says through the phone.

"I'm right here. I'm so glad you're okay." He says into the phone. As he says that, it all starts to sink in.

"Allison?" I ask. She laughs weakly, then starts coughing.

"Took you long enough." She says.

"The nurse called and when I heard you were awake, I had to put it on speaker." Zayn says, both to Louis and Allison.

"Thanks Zayn." Louis says, smiling.

"Yea. Thanks." Allison echos. The rest of the lads laugh and Liam decides to join the conversation.

"Allison's awake?" He asks. Allison laughs weakly.

"Yes Lili. I'm awake. And there is a parking spot about two rows in section in front of the doors." She says, so Liam looks for that parking spot in shock.

"Thanks! How did you know?" I ask, laughing lightly.

"I can see you from my window." She states and Louis climbs out and waves. We all pile out and wave. We see a small figure wave back through a window and we rush inside. 

"We came to see Allison..." Liam says and the nurse nods. 

"You know which room" She says kindly, winking at me. I give her a cheeky smile and I swear she was ready to faint.

"Thanks love." I say, winking back as we walk to Allison's room. She swoons as I walk down the hall chuckling.

"Harry!" Liam exclaims when he looks back at the receptionist.

"At least she didn't ask for an autograph..." A female voice says at the end of the hall.

"Allison! Get back in your room!" A nurse chides her and she groans. We follow as she goes and sits on her bed. The nurse walks in after us.

"You need to stay in bed until the doctor clears you." She scolds her and Allison looks at Louis. She still won't look me in the eyes.... I think as Lou goes and sits next to her.

"Now no funny business." She says and leaves the room, closing the door behind her. Allison and Lou hug and jealousy rises in me. I push it down and stand at the back of the room. Zayn and Liam go hug her as well, saying how happy they are she's awake. Niall and I stand by the door and She looks at us.

"Nialler, Hazza. Can I have a hug please?" She asks in an innocent voice, still avoiding my eyes. Niall look sat me and walks over, pulling her into a famous "Horan Hug". She smiles.

"Please Hazza?" She asks and I sigh. I walk over and hug her. She smiles and buries her face into my shoulder.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you" She whispers. It's just guilt? 

"I love you like a brother Harry. I can't think of it being any different." She continues. We pull away and she looks at the rest of the lads, excluding Lou. He looks hurt at the beginning.

"I love you all like brothers. It would kill me inside if any of you got hurt because of me..." She trails off. Louis sits next  to her, taking my place and hugs her. Liam's phone rings again.

"Way to ruin a moment mate." Zayn says and we all laugh. Liam checks the caller ID.

"I gotta take this..." He says and walks out of the room. We all sit there laughing when Liam comes back in.

"It was Paul. He and Andy can't make it back for a few days." Allison looks at Liam when she hears her dads name.

"He knows you're awake and he says he loves you and misses you." She smiles and look down.

"May I have a moment with Allison alone?" Louis asks. We all nod. I kiss her cheek and she blushes. I shoot her a cheeky smile and follow the rest of the lads out of the room.


Louis' POV

"May I have a moment with Allison alone?" I ask, hoping they say it's okay. They all nod, and Harry kisses her cheek, causing her blushes. He shoot her a cheeky smile and follow the rest of the lads out of the room. I push back the jealousy as he leaves. She loves them like brothers. I think as I look at her and smile. She smiles back and we kiss.

"I missed you." I say and she giggles.

"I didn't go anywhere though...." She says innocently.

"Can I ask you two questions?" I look at her.

"Does that count as one of them?" She asks and I chuckle.

"No it doesn't." I say.

"Um.. Okay.." She says, sounding unsure. I chuckle again.

"They aren't like what yo're thinking." I say, laughing lightly. That seems to have relaxed her a bit.

"Question one. Why did you cut yourself?" I ask seriously. She looks away. I tilt her head up to look into my eyes.

"Please tell me, I want to try and stop this from happening again." I say kindly. She sighs quietly.

"Because a song came on and reminded me of my mom..." She trails off, tears stinging her eyes. I hug her and she continues.

"She... She died trying to save me from getting hit by a truck... And I just couldn't take it.. I'm so sorry...." She says, crying into my shoulder.

"Shh... Baby its okay." I say, rubbing her back. She cries harder and I hold her close. She starts to calm down a little and pulls away. She wipes her eyes and attempts a smile.

"Can I ask you the second question, or do you want to wait?" I say, holding her hand. She nods, wiping her eyes again.

"I'm ready." She says. She squeezes my hand and I smile.

"Alright. When we first got here, I overheard Paul and your dad talking about this being a good thing for you. Can you explain why that is?"


CLIFFHANGER!!!!! What do you think of this chapter!!!

Harry got Friend-zoned!!! Good or bad???

Comment below. I would like three comments, and 15 reads before I update again. (Maybe a few votes too. ;))

Love you all, Lovely Directioners!!! :DD


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