Chapter 24

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Why didn't anybody else comment?! I am actually disappointed.... >.>

Oh well, I FINALLY got an idea.... Hope you like it!!!

-Lets do a quick recap-


"Are you freaking serious?!?!" Both Liam and Louis yell, causing Niall, Harry and Zayn to make their way downstairs.

"What's with all the noise?" Niall asks. Louis passes them the paper and hugs me. I hug back, then look at the other three lads. Niall is about to burst into tears as Zayn, Liam and Harry pull him into a hug. Louis and I walk over to join them. We all stand in a group hug when there is a knock at the door. I pull away and walk to the door. When I answer, I find a note taped to the front. It's addressed to me, so I open it. On the piece of paper say the most frightening four word.

I'm coming for you.-


Allison's POV

I'm coming for you.

Those are probably four of the scariest words to see. I guess I either gasped really loud or screamed a little, because he lads were looking at me and Louis' arms were around my waist. I quickly hide the paper before he can read it and he looks hurt.

"Don't you trust me?" He asks with a fake pout. I smile and a quiet giggle escapes my lips. Rowan and Jordan, who I am surprised are still here, look at me like I've gone mental! Ross awkwardly checks the time, causing a look of worry, surprise and fear cross his face?

"I uh.. I need to go..." He stutters out, giving me and the girls a quick wink and hurries out the door.

Wonder what his rush is?


Ross' POV

I quickly wink at Alli and the girls and rush out the door. I check the time again as I round the corner and burst into a sprint.

I'm gonna be sooooo late! Gotta hurry Gotta hurry!!

I run quickly to the waiting limo at the end of the street and climb in. I look at the driver.

"Fast, I'm late for a meeting. You know where to go." I snap. I regret it as soon as it happens, but he just starts the limo and replies.

"Right away Mr. Lynch." Aw he is sooooooo gonna kill me........


 Niall's POV

"Ross left awfully fast..." I start to say, only to get cut off by Zayn.

"He probably had a signing to do." He says, while casually doing his hair.

"Speaking of signings..." Liam says. "Don't we have one this afternoon?" I face palm at the thought. The other lads are probably thinking the same thing.

"You are totally right!" Says Louis, who hasn't seem to let go of Allison. Hazza looks at Allison.

"Will you be okay without Louis to protect you for an afternoon?" He taunts, causing Louis grip to tighten, Allison to blush bright red, and the rest of the lads to face palm. Me? I went to grab food from the fridge.

"Harry Edward Styles. I suggest you shut up now." Louis says, sounding angry. Oh no.. We don't want him mad again...

"Let the lady answer Tomlinson." He states back, probably with a smirk on his face.

"Yes. Harry I will be fine... I'm not a child" Allison's child-like happy voice pipes up. DO NOT SAY THAT OUT LOUD OR SHE WILL KILL YOU! I think to myself as I walk back into the room, with a sandwich of course. Liam stands up.

"Lads, get ready for a signing.. This is gonna be hectic." He says.

"How long do we have until we need to be there?" Zayn asks.

"About three hours. I suggest you all have a shower at least. Take a nap if you wish. I am NOT waking you up though..." He finishes and walks out of the room.Louis and Allison go downstairs.

"USE PROTECTION!" Harry yells, half laughing as Zayn falls over, dying with laughter.I stand there laughing as Louis yells up the stairs.

"SHUT THE HAIL UP!" We can hear Liam groan and Allison laughing as well. She has a sense of humor! Harry falls off the couch, still laughing and Zayn is trying to stand up. I walk over to help him, only to fall over and land on top of him. Zayn shoves me off and FINALLY gets up. He makes his way upstairs. About two minutes later, the shower starts running and Harry makes his way to his room. I follow him up the stairs and he silently enters the bathroom. Oh good god... Poor Zayn. I think as I make my way into my room. I set an alarm and lay on my bed. I close my eyes and fall asleep to the sound of a screaming Zayn and laughing Harry.


HOPE YOU LIKED IIIITTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I was at an EXTREME writers block, and we are at finals season. Hooray!! *Sarcasm*

I promise I will try and update as much as I can.

I sure hope this is long enough....

Who is excited for school to end??

I'm curious to find out what people are doing over he summer, so why not comment below or message me! If you don't want to, that is your choice. I am personally curious! xD

So yea... I am off to bed because it's like MIDNIGHT!! Haha

Maybe those Lucky Charms weren't such a good idea...

Oh well!!!

Night Directioners!!!

~Allison <3

P.S! The next chapter will take place right before they leave, then while they are gone.

Undiscovered Talent (A One Direction Fan Fiction) {Completed}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu