Chapter 19

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Liam's POV

I sit there as Jordan and Rowan show us a map to where we are supposed to go. I check my phone and read over a message

To: Curly Hazza, Lili

Tell Boo I'm alright, just a little 'tied up' at the moment.....

Please help...

I'm in a warehouse of some sort.

And PLEEEEAAASSSEEE don't tell me dad!!!! D:



I sigh and show the rest of them the message. Louis looks upset, knowing the message was sent before the picture was taken.

"Lou, we WILL get her back. I promise." I say and we hear a phone buzz.. Niall bulls out his phone, and looks at it in horror.

"Nialler? Everything okay?" Zayn asks. Niall shakes his head and shows us the message.

From: AlliKat

Tell 'Boobear' we still have his girlfriend.

You have until 2:30 tomorrow afternoon to grab her or she stays with us.

Good luck finding us.



We read over the message. Max.... Why do I know that name...? Niall's phone buzzes again and a picture pops up on the screen. Niall looks like he is about to faint from the sight of it. It's another picture of Allison, more broken and bloody than last time, and a baldish person standing next to her, holding a sign. I look closly to see the sign. 

'Boobear' is next.


Louis' POV:

Boobear is next... They all look at me and I am shaking.

"Lad it will be alright." Zayn says say. They all go over and give me a hug. I stop shaking.

"How will we find her?" I ask. 

"Jordan, Rowan? Do either of you know how to track a phone?" Liam asks. Jordan nods, grabs Allison's computer and turns it on. She types in the password and pulls up a programming thing. Zayn walk over to me.

"Lou, get some rest. You're overworked and about to collapse." He says. It's true. I feel like I've been up for a month. Zayn leads me down the stairs carefully and towards my bedroom. I lay down on my bed and Liam comes down. My eyes are half closed as Zayn leaves the room. Liam covers me with a blanket.

"Lili?" I ask sleepily.

"Yes Lou?"

"Will we find her?" I ask him, dreading the answer.

"I hope so lad, I really do. I am sure we will." He say, making me smile. Lili is confident, so I'm happy.  And with that thought in my mind, and Allison's smiling face, I drift off to sleep.


Allison's POV:

That asshole has my phone....  I think as I try to untie myself. I wince as the ropes skim over the fresh cuts and bruises up my arms. He laughs. I see a light flash on the back of my phone. They're tracking it! I think. He looks confused when I stop squirming I try not to show the happiness, so the pain comes through. He smiles and I look at the floor, wincing once again as the rope bruises up and down my wrists.

"Did the princess realize her "Boyfriend" isn't coming to save her?" He mocks with air quotes around 'boyfriend'. I look up with a fiery determination in m eyes. He takes a step back in shock.

"No. They WILL find me, and they will kick your sorry unwanted ass to the curb." I say, feeling satisfied. His surprise turns from shock to pure and utter rage. He storms up to me and slaps me across the face. I cry out and look at the floor. He smirks and walks away. I timidly look up and see he grabs he whip. He looks at me, eyes sparkling with the new found rage.

"Maybe I will send a picture to your best friends." He sneers and walks back over to me. My eyes flash with pure horror as he starts to whip me. I scream with each blow. Suddenly he stops.

"Better idea." He says and looks through my contacts. He clicks on one of the numbers and puts it on speaker. I gasp when I hear who answers the phone.

"Hello?" Jordan asks.

"HANG UP!" I yell. He smirks.

"ALLISON?!!?!!" She yells. I can hear the lads in the background.

"Allison! Are you okay?!" Harry yells. I'm assuming she put her phone on speaker. My voice dies in my mouth as I look up.

"Please hang up." I say, voice cracking.

"Let's give them a show." He whips me and I cry out. Blow after blow, I suffer through until he stops. He smirks as the phone is still on the call.

"You heard her, now you can see her." He says and laughs, hanging up the phone. He lifts the phone to the camera is on me.

"Smile for your friends." He says and takes the picture, sending it to Jordan. He laughs as my vision fades into a welcoming darkness.


Jordan's POV:

My phone starts ringing. I pick it up and answer it.

"Hello?" I ask.

"HANG UP!" I hear Allison yell.

"ALLISON?!!?!!" I yell. I put the phone on speaker when the boys look at me.

"Allison! Are you okay?!" Harry calls through the room. She says something quietly and my heart breaks. Thank God Louis isn't here....

"Let's give them a show." A man says. Why does he sound familiar? At that moment, a whip cracks and she screams. The rest of the boys sit there in shock as the whip cracks again and again until it stops suddenly.

"You heard her, now you can see her." He says, laughs and hangs up. I sit there in shock.

"Why....?" I finally ask as my phone buzzes. I hesitantly pick up my phone and open the message. I scream and drop my phone. Tears come to mine and Rowans' eyes as we stare at the picture. Niall comes over and hugs us as Liam takes the phone. He almost drops it as Harry and Zayn take a glance. At that moment, Louis walks up the stairs, half asleep.

"What did I miss? Why is everyone screaming?" He asks sleepily and Liam, Zayn, Harry and I debate whether or not to tell him.

"He should know." Liam says.

"It will kill him!" Zayn exclaims and Niall gasps in shock when he sees it.

"What?" Louis asks and walks over to us. He looks over Liam's shoulder and his face goes from a look of shock to a blank and faraway look. He walks over to the couch and sits there, staring at nothing.

 "Great... Louis is blanked put...." I say when Liam shoots me a pitiful look. Niall walks over and sits next to him. One by one, we make our way over to him and sit down. Louis doesn't show any sign of normality as we sit there, and plan.



Hey, whatcha all think???

I know it's a little gruesome, but it gets better!! I swear!

Enjoy!!! xD xD xD

~Allison <3

Undiscovered Talent (A One Direction Fan Fiction) {Completed}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя