Chapter 37

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Sorry guys kind of a short chapter


Dawson is just kind of stunned and a little frightened to see our baby in such state.

She just stands slightly in front of me.right at the side of the bed with her mouth open. Lip quivering. Breathing weirdly.

"Gabby.." I touch her shoulder. "She'll rally" I say.

"Yeah." She lets the end linger.

"Keep your head up Dawson" severide says.

She nods.

Shay comes back in the room after going out for a minute to use the bathroom.

"Shay!" Dawson wails in that deeper sad crying voice and does cries all of the sudden like a volcano just erupted in this room.

She lunges onto shay bawling her eyes out. And shay hugs her.

"Aw gabby." Dawson stops
For a sec looking at her.

"Oh sweetie your makeup is all over your face. Let's go clean you up ok"

Dawson nods Ok.

But she still leans on her as they walk out.

As I look across the room. I see Evelyn laying on severides chest. He has tears in his eyes too.


I feel so bad For Dawson. I mean I'm upset about what happened because those kids are like my own. But Dawson's a mom. It's different.

We walk to the women's bathroom and there's no one else in there.

"Let it out Dawson"

She sobs loudly and uncontrollably for a few minutes soaking my shirt in her tears.

She stops abruptly and I still hold he back as she pulls away.

"Oh honey come here" I get a paper towel and wipe her mascara and eyeliner off from her cheeks.

And wipe a paper towel with cold water all over her face to cool her down.

I tie her hair back into a messy bun with my hair elastic.

I wipe her face again.

"Better" I say.

"Thanks shay your the best." She hugs me.

"No problem my love"

We go back into the room and only severide is there. Sitting on a chair with his head in his hands.

"See Dawson. Even severide the squad man has the ability to cry"

"Wow. I honestly wasn't sure he was capable of making actual real tears"

We laugh I'm glad I could make her laugh.

We go in.

Aw severide. I touch his shoulder.

"Huh. I was just umm resting."

"Yeah ok you know you don't have to put up that act with me kelly. Where's everyone else?"

"Oh Casey took ev to go and get something out of the vending machine"

"Ah" i nod.

"Yeah." He says back.


"So when are you and kelly getting married?"

"At this point I'm not sure. soon though. I hope. I love him so much"

"Well this is why it's good to be friends with your fiancées friends. He constantly talks about you and how gorgeous you are and how you make him laugh and how your the best girl he's ever been with. And how he is crazy about you and wants to die of happiness everyone you say his name"

"AWWWWW he didn't say that!!"

"Yes he did we talk all the time in my office. And if you ask him I talk about Dawson the same way and I his office."

"I'd isn't know jelly was capable of those loving caring adorable words."

"Well I won't tell you anymore. Because I'm sure he was saving that for his vows."

"don't worry. It will sounds much different coming from him,especially since he will really mean it and say it with real love and actual passion"

"Oh sorry was I not passionate enough.."



She gets a water and a bag of Doritos I get gum. We go back into the room. And she automatically hugs severide so hard because Of what I told her he said about her.

"I love you" she says.

" you too"

He looks at me confused and I mouth the worlds "your so getting laid tonight"

He smiles and nods and mouths "ahhhh" and gives me a thumbs up.

Shay watched and was able to read our lips she rolls her eyes and smacks us both upside the head.

"What's the matter shay jealous that severide gets more bitches than you" I say jokingly.

She laughs and says "well I guess I should feel bad since your clearly just Dawson's side hoe when I'm not around" shay says.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh she went theeeeerrrreeee" severide says.

"Ok ok you win shay" I throw my hands up

Me and shay lush and she comes over to me and puts and arm around me and I hold her waist (they side hug) and we laugh.

"It's ok Casey. It's ok." She says as if I'm a child who fell off their bike.

Then we hear a cry.

"Casey there's no reason to cry." Someone joked.

"That's not me."

Then I hear two cries.

Dawson yelps. "It's the girls! They're awake"

Nurses come in and check everything while shay,me,dawson,kelly and Evelyn all wait in the waiting room.

The nurse comes out and says "you guys are the uttermost lucky people I've ever seen. we were sure these girls weren't gonna survive the night with their Condition from assault. But we obviously didn't tell you that. Well. They are perfectly fine from what we can tell. Except one thing. Who here are the parents of.......

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