Chapter 29

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Thanks for reading :)

This chapter is fast forward a week.


We have all been living together for a week. Including Evelyn. And Tonight I'm taking Her out to eat tonight and I'm going to finally ask her to marry me!

"Ev are you ready to go?"

"Yes!" She yells.

She comes down in a cute dress and flats.

We go. I take her to the Cheesecake Factory. And we both eat our food and share a piece of cheesecake.

Then I decide to be super romantic and take her to the Starbucks that I kissed her for the first time in.

I order is the same thing we got last time and I make her sit with me at the same window seat.

We talk for a few.

Then I ask her "Ev. Can I ask you something?"

"Of course" she replies.

"Evelyn Richardson you are the best girlfriend a man could ask for. You make me so happy. I'm absolutely blessed to have found you. You are the most gorgeous thing I've ever had the honor to wake up to every day. I love you. I can't wait to raise a baby with you. And I want to make sure you know I'm serious about you and me."

I get down on one knee and she covers her mouth with her hands.

"Evelyn Richardson will you continue to make me the luckiest man in the world and marry me?"

She tears up and says

"Yes!" And hugs me. the people In Starbucks clap.

We go home and Ev shows the other girls her ring and they are dumbfounded.

Dawson looks at hers and back at Ev's.
"Damn that is one big diamond!" Shay says.

"Maybe I should have gone out with him" Shay whispers to Dawson who nods. "Me too"

That night neither of us can sleep were so happy to be engaged.


Tomorrow me and Ev wanted to go baby stuff shopping. Since she doesn't want a baby shower.

We wake up and we go Dawson and Casey come to pick stuff for their baby.

Both girls are showing fully now.

Shay wanted to sleep in today so just us 4 went.

Me and Ev wander over to the carriers and strollers. While Dawson's and Casey look at cribs.

We pick out a gray and pink flowery infant baby carrier/car seat. With matching stroller.

We picked the same design for everything.

We buy it all with the money people sent us in congratulations cards.


me and Dawson liked the white crib that sev bought so we figured they can match.

For our babyae picked a black and purple car seat with hearts on it. With everything else matching just like sev and Ev did.

We all go back home and set everything up. Me and sev take care of the beds.

The girls take care of the other stuff.

That night we all go to sleep as usual.


Thx for reading.

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