Chapter 19

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So here's people that voted commented and such.


They voted for ch19:)

But Emilyanderson888 Voted for past chapters 1,2,3. Thanks:)

So here you go.


After the speech it's time for the viewing for her family and friends.

I feel really bad,i could have saved her I could have helped.

There's a line to see her,I'm standing behind the others from 51. Because family Are placed in line before us because they are the closest to her.

And I'm ok with that,her family needs closure, they need to be put before anybody else.

In the way front are Antonio,casey,her mom and dad,niece and nephew. I guess only her immediate family could make it here.

After them is us from the firehouse minus Casey because he proposed and they were dating. After us is the the police department and then her friends that could make it.

I see Casey hold her hand as kiss her forehead he cries a little.

Her mom is hysterical she is crying and screaming and Casey and Antonio have to literally carry her away. After she gets settled Antonio and her father are next.

Antonio pats his dad on the back. But he just stares,and stares. I don't even think he's blinking. Antonio cries a little and her dad just stands there still.

Then it's our turn. We have to nod,and shake hands with her family after we see her. We also have to shake Casey's hand. He is in our line again.

First Boden, he takes her hand and rubs it. He touches her forehead and says "we will miss you forever Gabriella."and walks away teary. Shakes hands and He starts the line like we did outside Casey is already next to him.

Next me,severide, I take her hand and kiss it. And say "hey don't worry you'll always be with us kid, I will never ever forget your smile..I love you gabbriella" my voice cracks. Im tearing up and I'm probably going to start to cry too so I walk away wipe my eyes and I shake hands and stand in line.

Now it's Cruz. He tries to hug her and cries. He stands in line. "Te amo mucho Gabby" which means "I love you a lot gabby" in Spanish. (I am Spanish but I could have misspelled/mistranslated it don't judge me haha)

Now it's mills, he touches her stomach nicely,"i shouldn't have let you go gabby. I missed you when you were alive. Now what am I gonna do?" he slightly laughs. "I love you Dawson." A small tear slides down his cheek.

Now clarke. he slides his hand on her head. And says "rest in peace Gabriella. Damn i will miss you" he kisses her forehead.

Now Capp, he touches her shoulder.
"Hey girl,you are amazing. I'm sure you'll light up where ever you go after this. we all love you. Bye I'm gonna miss you" he smiles. And tears up.

Now Hermann, he's crying really hard,but it would be disrespectful to get out of line. Between sobs he says " Dawson you were like a sister I never had. You would have made one hell of a firefighter and I know it." He's balling his eyes out. but calms down to shake hands and gets in line.

Now otis. "Dawson we love you and miss you.." he's crying "why did you have to go?" "Your laugh will forever be in my head" He has to walk away and hugs Antonio instead of shaking his hand.

Now mouch, "hey Dawson you were and are a wonderful person. You were the image of someone I wanted to be with for the rest of my days. And I was we were both firefighters a bond that can't be broken. He tears up. "Bye Gabriella"

Last is Shay, "hey gabby you were my only friend that was a girl that was truly just a friend. And I've had a lot of women in my life but you were the most important always. We had our ups and downs but we go through it. And I love you" she's crying kinda hard but won't show it because she's strong and won't show emotions often.

After that we salute her and they close her casket....

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