Chapter 21

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Hi guys sorry it took so long to update. So Literallycl can't wait until Chicago fire comes back on!!
I'm so excited! so enjoy this chapter and here's a small spoiler-nobody else will be dying anytime soon!! Enough people are dead for a while so you guys can relax!:). ENJOY!!!

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Severides POV.

I can't believe Casey would even attempt that! I mean when shay warned me I knew there was a possibility. But never did I think he'd really ever do somthing as drastic as this.!

I'm more shaken than he is though.

"Why not kelly? I have nothing to live for. It's like god gave me one of his angels and then just took it away from me. And I can never have it again. so why live? why?"

"Okay Casey I understand you trust me. But please don't go throwing yourself of buildings without even thinking about it !!"

"Yeah but I would have had what I wanted of superman Kelly didn't show up!"

"And that's a bad thing?! oh so I'm the bad guy who saved his friend from literally throwing his life away?!!"

"Yeah Kelly cause you know better than anyone when someone wants To die they WILL die no matter what"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Your a fireman you deal with suicide victims all the time you know them and the way they think and one one thing they want"

"Yeah but most of the time we save them and they are grateful for it. They don't want to die, they just want to be peaceful casey"

"Well that's them not me"

He turns his back. He walks over to the edge again but he picks up the picture of her and holds it and he looks at it still his back turned. But then he turns around.

"So your saying That I don't want to die"

"Well Casey I'm not inside your head"

"I just want to be with her"

I nod.

"Well you need sleep. Let's go"


I go back down stairs and I grab him from his closet a red t shirt and a blue t shirt and 2 pairs of jeans I get sneakers and work boots and shove them all in a black nike duffle bag.

"Here this should be enough for a bit"


"Where did you park my car?"

"Uh over there by the sign" he points and hands me the keys.

"Okay good" I kinda sign in relief that he didn't rap my car around a tree.

"I thought you didn't care?"

"Well I just know that there is more important things than a car. But hell yeah I care about a 40,000 dollar car"

He agrees.

I laugh and sarcastically say "glad you see it my way" (my dad always says that).

We get in my car and drive back to my house.

I grab the duffel bag I packed him from the truck and bring it inside.

"Here. You can stay in the guest room. It's across from shay's. First door on the left"

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