Chapter 16

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So yeah I can put emojis again thanks to crazedbgm.😜

So there's is 1 new person this update and I'll put all the other people too even if they were already there.

1) alwayscrazy4ever
3) genius2050

So that's everyone. Hers what u came her for now guys. Srry for the rambles lol.



So this "Kelly"bguy who claims he is my best friend and not my husband which I don't really believe I mean what other girl would live with
a hot guy like him and not be married or something?!

At least I have Dawson here with me but she seems as confused as I am, I mean really who are all of these people?


Really glad shay is here with me.

But Kelly-I think that's his name, says he's not my boyfriend and that this blonde guy is my boyfriend. Is he crazy this 'casey' isn't really my type. But Whatever.

I'm not sure who these other people are but they seem nice.


The girls remember some stuff, kinda.

I'm going through my phone and I found a goofy selfie of me and shay we took a few days ago.

"Hey shay, look at this"

"Yeah it's us. And?"

"And do you remember this day at all?"

"Umm yeah I think so. You were just getting a beer out of the fridge and I was taking pictures of myself so you came and took some with me. Right?"

I hug her I'm so excited.

"Yes shay yes!!!"

"Wait Kelly. Your Kelly my best friend in the whole world. The one that has a camero?"

"Oh my god shay your back! Yes that's me I have what color camero?"

"Umm blue right you used to have a black one but it was...uhmm..on fire I think you said"

She sounds unsure. But I'll take that.

"Yes that exactly right.!"

"Kelly I'm so sorry oh my god I kept saying you were my husband. Holy crap,did I kiss you,ew"

"Haha thanks and no. Dawson kissed me though she says I'm her boyfriend. Try to talk to her though. Hey but don't tell her about the kiss. I'll tell her later on. It will be hilarious"

"Oh thank Jesus, yeah im back , boys ew ,girls yeah. well that was a scary few hours. I don't know how you do it Kelly I could never be seems boring. Ok I won't haha"

I smirk "Actually I'm gonna go see Dawson to see how her and Casey are doing"

I walk to her side of the room and push aside the curtain that is just in between the girls beds. I walk in and Casey is on top of Dawson without a shirt ,and Dawson in just a bra, even though I can barely see her from here.
They are making out.

"Hey daw- oh ok I guess she remembers you casey"

"Shit,Kelly." He gets off the bed

"No,no you go ahead I'm just gonna. Um yeah"

"Hey how's shay?"

"She's better she remembers. Pretty much everything about me at least"

"How's she? oh wait never mind I take it , she's back too"

I smirk. Teasing him is so fun

"Shut up Kelly" he smiles "cause I could go on for days with a list of girls you've banged. Haha not so fun now huh"

"Hey smartass At least I have a list. Haha"

"Wow haha"

Dawson tries to put on a shirt

"Hey girl don't worry we've already kissed so don't bother with a shirt."

As I say that I get really close to her face a poke her nose.

"Wow kel- wait a minute what?!"

"Ha yeah when you forgot everything you though go was your boyfriend so you kissed me pretty hard. Haha lucky girl it's ok.." I wink.
I fake cough an through it I say "*cough cough* thirsty" *cough cough*"

"Alright so I've kissed Kelly and he's seen me without a shirt. And he walked in on me and Casey (almost) yup so things are permanently awkward"

I decide to make a joke about the lace on her bra. "Haha yeah *cough* side lace,have fun guys."

"Yeah that just means you stared at her bra Kelly" Casey says.

"Well you know what they say"


".. I don't know. If there's a pretty girl without a shirt stare.. yeah I don't know but whatever. feel better Dawson. I'll see you guys later" I struggle to make up the saying as I go along.

I walk out and ask the doctor when the girls can come home.

"Either tomorow or the next day sir"

"Ok thank you"

Sorry it's short but I'll try to update tomorow too.
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