Chapter 28

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Hi guys! so here's your update! hope you like it.

I'm living spending time with Dawson in the ER and I'm really happy Dawson isn't dead. So I was so upset when she was "dead" that I made her and me my wallpaper on my phone

Well,Whenever I told severide I was playing games on my phone I wasn't. I was actually going through pictures of us.

she looks hilarious in those nurses scrubs.

Casey is going out of his mind.

He still wants to live with us but him and Dawson might go back to their house.

Hmmm Maybe we can all live together.....


Thank god she's ok.

I accepted it.that she was dead.

But it was still hard.

Shay and severide went to go find a the vending machine that they sent chout to look for.

Antonio is elated . He called their family and told them the news. They couldn't make it here but they talked to her for hours each on the phone.

She's so cute when she talks in Spanish. I'm holding her hand. and when she finally gets off the phone Antonio looks at us and says " and..him are having.. a baby" he asks.

"Uhmm yeah I guess so,tony"Dawson says.

"So Why didn't you tell me when you found out?"

"I was really nervous. And didn't want to talk to anyone about it yet.I was gonna tell shay first.girl to girl,when we were in the building that exploded but you know death kinda got in the way"

"Ok understood but sis..(he sits next to her and speaks sweetly)..why did you,or how did you keep working. You knew about the baby but you were in the fire academy for gods sake"

"I just figured..."she shrugs her shoulders.


"I don't know. I guess I didn't know what to do"

She sighs. And rests her head on my chest. I lay in the bed with her.

She falls asleep there. And I'm feeling tired too...


We go back inside and find gabby's room.

We walk in and Antonio is sitting in a chair with his head leaning back onto the wall. Past out. And Dawson and Casey are asleep cuddled up on the bed.

Shay doesn't look and keeps walking inside.

"Wait" I says. I put my arm out in front of her to stop her from moving forward.

I snap a picture of them with my phone.

"Priceless." I say.

"Yeah I guess. We could make a slide show for their wedding if pictures of them we could use that."

"Yeah" I nodd.

Shay yawns and I'm wiped out too. I call Boden and tell him to make Herrmann acting lutenint.

He agrees and asks how Dawson is.

"She's doing pretty well for somebody we were sure was dead" I say.

"Ha. yeah that's true. Give me upsets later. Don't worry about work tomorow. You Casey and shay and obviously Dawson. don't need to come in. Stay with her."

"Ok. Thank you cheif"

We hang up.

Me and shay are tired and relived we don't need to work tomorow. There's still the 2 chairs against the wall I made into a bed.

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