Chapter 15

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Thanks to everybody who reads my book even if you don't vote or comment it still means a lot. I'll be changing the point of views around every few paragraphs so let me know if you like that or not.

If they were already mentioned I won't re mention them:).

So everybody who was on the list last time would have been again:).

So here's the one new one.

1) sandrabullock725

Thanks again if you were already on the list for re voting and commenting!



~Severide's point of view.

"Guys I'm gonna go see Leslie, if you want you can stay sitting"

"No that's ok we want to see shay too"

"Then Come on let's go"

We walk down the hall they put Dawson and Shay in the same room with a curtain in between.

"Do you think they are any better" mills asks.

"We're hopefull pete"

"Guys I'm going to show her some pictures on my phone to see if they bring back anything. She at least needs to know who I am. It will kill me if she Doesn't."

"Yeah that's a good idea. Maybe that will work for Dawson" Casey says hopefully.

"Yeah you should try. I have a few of her too. I snuck some while she was in the fire academy they were to show you. I just forgot"

"Thanks kelly"

"No problem matt"

I walk in and hug her I hold her hand.
"Do you remember me shay?" I ask calmly but rushed at the same time.

"I'm sorry no. Not really. Wait you came her like an hour ago right?"

"Yeah I did. My name is Kelly severide and I'm a firefighter at the same house you are an emt"

"Wow I'm pretty cool"

"Yeah you are that's why I need you go remember"

"I'll try uhhm.. kelly."

"That a girl"

"So tell me more about you. Me,oh and them" she points to our friends behind me.

"Ok sure. You drive the ambulance, you live with me because I'm your best friend in the whole world"

"I live"

"Yeah we used to have a spiral staircase but we moved and now we have a bigger house. And Otis, he's over there, used to live with us but now he doesn't."

"Why not?"

"He just wanted a place of his own and now he lives with Cruz, who's over there"

"Oh ok"

"Shay this is the girl you work with" I say.

"Casey move the curtain." Dawson should be here too.

They look at each other weird. Shay rolls her eyes and Dawson just stares at us and her just really confused. They give each other the craziest bitch faces.

"Girls listen to me I'm going to try to explain to you all to he stuff you have forgotten ok"

"Kay" -Dawson. / "Alright kelly" -shay

"So these are the people we work with. This is Hermann he has kids... like A lot of kids
This is Cruz he has a brother and he lives with otis and this is Otis he's kinda nerdy and lives with Cruz. This is Casey he is a lutentint like me and he is dating your work partner Gabriella Dawson." I point to Dawson.

They kinda check each other out, like you would do if you just met somebody for the first time.

Then Dawson looks at her really hard and says.

"Wait. Shay? Is that you?"

And shay responds

"Yeah Dawson it's me. Why are we here kelly?"

"Wait you guys remember each other.?" I ask

"Yeah of course" says Dawson "she's my best friend and we work together I just don't know where"

"Why wouldn't I remember her?" asks shay.

"Because you forgot both did"

Did they just forget that they forgot. Wtf.

The doctor comes in. "Ms.dawson and Ms.shay remember each other because they were together all the time at work. They sat together
in the ambulance and tended to the patient together. So they will know more of each other than a person who wasn't regularly around them"

"Doctor, she was around a little me more than everybody, we live together"

"Oh yes! If you talk to her she'll remember you too"

Casey looks happier. "Hey gabby and I lived together we are dating.." Casey takes the doctor aside he whispers a little so the others don't really hear.

"I asked her to marry me"

"How long have you lived together?"

"A few months maybe a year"

"You can try, she could remember you too" he smiles and pats his shoulder.

Casey looks so happy now.

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