Chapter 12

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So yeah it's been long enough lol so here y'all go.

Me and shay wake up to go to work and she gets dressed in her paramedic pants and shirt and I just wear my off call uniform pants that look like Shay's. And my squad t-shirt.

I get to work. And last night me and Ev talked about who was going to be the godparents. I have to talk to the 2 people together at work today. But no one knows I'm gonna have a baby yet other than Shay, who I asked on my way driving us to work if she would be the godmother of the baby. She cried and says yes.

I walk into work and first I have to find Dawson to ask her something about Casey.

"Anyone seen Dawson?" I ask in the common room.

"Yeah Boden's office" Mouch says.

I go over there and she's just about open the door. And as she walks out I swoop in and put my hands on her shoulders.

"Oh well hello there lutenint" she says caught off guard.

"Hey Dawson" I say cheerfully. "So I have a question. And big news.." I start as she goes into the bathroom and I go in also since we all share the bathroom.

"Oh god that scares me. What is it?" She says as I let go of her shoulders and she goes into a stall. I make sure no one else in the bathroom.

"So I found out that I'm going to be a father."

"What!?" She says shocked.

"Yeah. With Evelyn. You met her."

"Oh yeah I like her. She's really pretty"

"I know" I smile.

"I'm happy for you Severide. We all knew you were gonna be a dad before Casey."

"Haha yeah well I beat him at everything else"

"So me and Ev were talking and we decided that shay is going to be the godmother of my baby and we wanted to know if you mind if Casey could be the godfather with her?"

"No I don't mind. Haha I have enough godchildren as it is" we laugh.

"Thanks Dawson."

I find Casey in his office and I go in

"Hey Case"

"What's up Sev?"

"So I have some riveting news for you."

"Oh god what could it be this time?"

"I'm going to be a father"

"Hahahahaha. Nice job trying to scare me Kelly. Now what the real news?" He says leaning back in his chair.

"That's it. I'm serious. Ev is pregnant." I show him the picture I took of the positive pregnancy test.

"Oh. Wow. Congrats man"

"Yeah thanks. So I was wondering if you would be the godfather? Shay is the godmother. Dawson is cool with it I talked to her."

"Of course!"

He was crying a little because he was so happy I thought so highly of him, enough to make him an important part of my child's life.

"Awww Casey man up haha"

"What I'm not crying there's something in my eye Kelly."

"Yeah there's something in your eye.

He rubs his eyes and pushes me. We laugh.

"But really it means a lot man. See you later"

"Anytime bud. Bye"

Then I go and do some paper work from chief.

Then I hear the sirens.


I jump off the computer chair and without thinking, switch into my boots and pants an get my jacket I hop into the passenger seat and finish putting on my jacket

I get my helmet and mask from next to me and hold them. The men behind me are quiet.

It's so weird to think that I am higher up than them in work. It's almost like the popular kid sitting with the normal kids at school. Even though I was never popular.

Casey and the rest of truck are behind us. And Dawson and Shay are probably already there.

It's a building about 3 or 4 floors. Engulfed in flames.

"Clarke and mills with Capp go vent the 1st floor. Hermann and Otis do the 2nd and 3rd!"

"Yes sir"
"Okay severide"

Then Casey's face changes into a panicked look.

And he says "Dawson shay go help that lady in the window please."



"Casey, this doesn't look too too bad"

"No it- Severide the smokes turning

"Damn,..." I pick up my radio "Hey everybody get out of there the smoke is black already."

Hermann responds for truck.

"Ok thanks severide"

And everybody from truck comes out.

But nobody from squad..

"Squad company please come out of the building,respond," I say.


"Rescue squad 3 this is your lutenint speaking respond" I say. I hear muffles in the radio.

Me and Casey exchange a look of almost horror.

Then the doors open and they carry out the lady Dawson and Shay we're helping and a baby and toddler that are probably her's.

"You guys scared me what took so long- wait guys where the hell is ambo 61!!?"

Capp- "wait Dawson and Shay were in there!?"

BOOOOM!!! the roof and building explodes.

Me and Matt share the same look again.

"Come on,Chief we have to get them!"

" It will take too long. paramedics aren't issued beepers like firefighters are." He says.

"Chief please"

"Okay you have 2 minutes."

So everybody goes in to look for them

"Fire department call out!!" Casey says.

"Dawson, shay!" Herman yells.

Nobody says anything.

Then mills trips.

"Ahhh" he says.

"Wow mills sexy." I say.

Casey says "Wait mills what did you trip over?"

"Oh I have no idea. Oh my god... it's them it's Dawson and Shay"

"Oh god. Ok Kelly grab Dawson and Clarke grab shay!"

We both carry them kinda like babies with one had under their shoulder and one on their butt, outside Boden's face is a mix of pure horror and gratefulness.

"Chief call a bus!"

"It's Wallace Boden with 51 we need another ambulance here it's and emergency"

"Ok 51 they are on there way. Was it one of your firefighters.?"

"No our paramedics."

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