Chapter 13

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Me and Clarke hold the girls until the next ambulance shows up. With all this adrenaline they weigh nothing. And they were both small anyways.

Ambo 71 and 45 show up and we set them on the stretchers. The paramedics tend to them and we step back.

We put the fire out and watch them take our girls to the ER. We go back to the house.

"Mills you ok?" I ask. As I walk into the bathroom

"Yeah but please don't worry about me it's the girls time thanks though"

"Are you sure cause theres one hell of a bruise on your side"

"Yeah it kills too kelly"

"Feel better kid"

"Thanks lutentint"

I pee and leave. I'm so worried about them.

Then Boden comes out and makes an announcement. It's so silent you could hear a pin drop.

"I have the update on Dawson and Shay. There was abundant amounts of carbon dioxide in the air at the fire. From an air conditioner. That's what caused the fire. And they inhaled too much if it. And it got into shays lungs and collapsed one. And it got into Dawson's brain and started to ruin it it was starting to dry it out and almost rot it. Currently
she is brain dead. And they aren't sure. But shay Hasn't woken up either and her other lung is starting to go as well.

So It could go either way. We just have to pray.

We all some open mouthed. And some just sitting and staring almost traumatized.

Casey looks down and leaves the room. I barely notice all I know is I need to cry or have some vodka,or both.

I walk past Casey's office and his head is in the desk. You can tell he is crying by the way his back is moving.

I never really cry that hard. Even when my dad left. And even when Renee told me years ago about that baby not being mine. I just don't.

But I walk into Casey office and sit on his bed. i touch his shoulders "hey man she's a trooper she will try her best to come back to us"

"Well then she better haul ass,back to life. Kelly she can't leave me. I couldn't live I couldn't Be happy"

"I know how you feel Matt"

"I know you do. Shay will figure it out he always does. Really remember the brain injury. She will Kelly. "


He tries to smile and I know it's the fakest smile ever.

"Hey do you want to go see them?"

"Yeah lets all go"

"Boden can you out the house on pause lets go see the girls."

"Yeah sure Kelly. Oh wait they told me also that gabby is in surgery. But still let's go."

"It's Wallace Boden we hve a situation we are gonna need a pause for a hour"

"Ok 51 your paused."

"Thanks I'll explain later"

"Ok sir thank you"

"Your welcome"

We all go and Boden asks for Dawson and shay. And they say Dawson will be out of surgery in 1o minutes. So we go see shay until then.

She's hooked up to a bunch of machines and wires and buttons and needles. shes in a room in the ICU. And has a weird bag breathing thing in her

Mouth down her throat into her lungs.

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