Chapter 4

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Hey guys:) thanks for reading.

"I'm so glad he didn't find out that way" I say as I walk over to the couch since it's right across the bathroom and sit down holing my head. Shay cleans up the mess in the bathroom.


Ev sits down processing all of this while I tidy up the test mess in the bathroom.

I take the positive ones and put the covers on both of them and stick them both into the clear blue box and put them back into the Walgreens bag along with the other empty box and She just started to open the Walgreens brand one but didn't use it. I just close up the box again and put it in the bag as well. I tie the handles of the bag into a knot and put it in the cabinet under the sink behind her makeup box.

I go out there to comfort her.


"Thanks" I say.

"No problem girl. That's what friends are for" she smiles. And rubs my back. "By the way the Walgreens bag with all the evidence is in the cabinet under the sink behind your makeup box"

"Thanks. I should really tell him huh"

"Yeah sweetheart you should. He should really know. I mean it has half of his chromosomes. So he should probably hear about it"

We laugh.

"I'll call him to come back now. does he still have lunch shay?"

She looks at the time "Yeah he should still have a few minutes"

I call.

"Hello" he says.

"Hey babe it's me. can you come back home for a minute?"

"Yeah sure.everything ok?"

"Yeah. Perfectly fine. Just need to talk to you a second"

"Ok baby be there in a few,I love you"

I cringe when he says baby.

"Love you too"

We hang up.

"Shay what if he dumps me?"

"He won't. Trust me"

"How do you know?"

"I can't say details. But he will certainly not be breaking up with you today,honey ok"

"Ok. Thanks"

She smiles.

Then Kelly comes to the door. It's still unlocked so he just comes in. And shay disappears into the kitchen unseen.

"I'm here."

"Come here" I pat the seat in the couch next to me.

"What's the matter babe?" He puts an arm around me.

"How did you know something was wrong?" I look at him.

"Because your eyes get really big and dark when your sad"

Awwwwwww he knows me so well.

"Oh" I half smile and blush. "Just don't get me but I... just have to tell you that in....9 months it won't just be us anymore....kelly.. I..uh..I'm pregnant"


"I'll show you" I stand up. And go back to the bathroom. I look for the tests where shay told me they were. And open the bag and take out the positive tests and bring them to him.

I set them down on the glass coffee table in front of us and he looks at them.

"Woah.i don't know what to say babe"

"I have one more I haven't taken. Did you want to be there?.."


We take the one I didn't take. And go into the bathroom.

I take it and put it out for the few minutes to calculate

"If it's also positive promise me you won't hate me kelly"

"Of course I wouldn't hate you princess.I love you more than anything"he says astonished that I even assumed that.

"Thank you babe. I love you too" we kiss.

This test is also positive.

"It's ok ev,maybe this is fate telling us we should settle down together forever and start a family." He kisses me.

He takes a picture of the positive test.

"I have to get back to work baby. I'll see you later on.I'm actually pretty excited by the way"

"You are! Awe me too. See you later hun"

He leaves. Shay pops back out.

"I heard everything! He is so sweet sometimes"

"Yeah! I have to call my doctor!"

"I have to go too honey I'll see you alter ok!"

"Bye shay thanks again"

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