Chapter 14: The Two Countries of The Stone World

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Edited: Dec 3 2023

Ana closed her eyes, squeezing Senku's hand gently. 

"Please, wake up..." 

Her eyes snapped open as she felt him squeeze back, her amber eyes meeting with his own crimson ones. She saw the exact moment life came back in his eyes as they reflected her.

She was the first thing he saw on his second revival.

The pouring rain gradually stopped.

Athena and the others tried to feel the rain by stepping a few away from under the cover of the tree, but there was no more. 

"Whaaat!? It stopped raining...!?" Taiju observed the sky, "The rain has let up..."

Ana helped Senku stood back up, the rest of the group had not yet noticed that he's been revived now.

"The sound of the rain and thunder that was camouflaging us has gone " Senku said, "We can't be shouting out loudly anymore! If Tsukasa hears us, it'll be over like that!"

He did not let go of her hand.

Taiju immediately puts up his guard at his words.


"He's not already on his way, is he?" Yuzuriha started looking around wildly.

Athena and Lalaine, however, only looked back at Ana, who was now wiping her tears away with her free hand. 

Taiju and Yuzuriha finally realized who spoke as they both turned around.

Senku was standing and holding the empty bottle of the revival fluid, rubbing his neck and chuckled. 

"I'm impressed. Realizing my neck all from that crappy tiny little hint I gave..." Senku smirked, "Taiju, Yuzuriha, Ana... The three of you get 10 billion points!"

"I'm not even offended bro, I didn't even notice that hint." Lalaine shrugged, whispering to Athena.

"Me too bro, me too."

"Senku!!!" He crushed Senku's body by hugging him super tight..

Ana gasped as Senku got pulled into a hug by Taiju, making him Senku let go of her.

Senku cried out in pain as he shoved Taiju away from him, "WHAT, MY CERVICAL PLEXUS WASN'T ENOUGH?! GONNA CRUSH MY ENTIRE BODY THIS TIME?! YOU WANNA DIE, PUNK?!" Senku berated as he took a breath, "I'm sure you understand, so we don't need to go over thinking each other for each and every little thing that happened. We can just leave it at this."

Ana smiled joyfully at him.

"Welcome back, Senku!" 

Ana watched Yuzuriha work on something.

"Now that's the work of a handicrafts club member!!" Lalaine awed as they the way Yuzuriha was able to make something at a quick speed.

"Don't you think the pattern on this hide looks a little like a rocket?" Yuzuriha showed it to Senku, "I thought it might work as like a science flag... Either way, I think k it'd suit you pretty well." Ana nodded along from behind her enthusiastically, somehow emitting a bright glow from her body.

"It doesn't even look one millimeter like one..." Senku averted his eyes upward to not get blinded by Ana's enthusiasm.

Ana snatched the flag, folding and then tying it around Senku's neck with a tree branch to protect the back of his neck, Senku yelped at the sudden action. Ana smiled at this.

"Well, first off, we need to take care of your neck. We can use a tree as a splint like this, see?"

"HEY! I want one too!" Athena called out to her.

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