Chapter 20: Survival Gourmet

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I forgot this story and I existed, wtf... My phone is a little bitch, sd card corrupted, I can't install anything and I only have 0 MB of space left. I tried formatting everything and deleting everything but they all come back wtf

Anyways, here. I'm sorry it took long, you guys are still not aware of my fandom schedules. I apologize sincerely, darlings.



Senkuu and Ana VS Chrome Round 2?! Side Story.

[Civilization is evolving...!!]

"We can make Iron!! If we can just get more companions...!!" Ana spoke out loud, all of them were silent for a second.

Senkuu and Ana got wild looks in their faces.

"We'll get manpower..." Senkuu started, Ana continued, "Using Science as bait!!"

"'Bait' is little condescending..." Lalaine stated blankly.

"Let's gather some information and see if there's any people that we can easily recruit." Senkuu announced.

Ana patted Suika's head, well, the melon helmet, "Got that? It's in your hands, Ace Detective Suika-chan!" Ana hummed, putting a hand undedr her chin and mumbling, "That's a bit of a mouthful..." She shrugged.


Suika smiled up at her before spinning and 'transforming' into a melon, rolling down across the bridge, past an unsuspecting Ginrou and to where the villagers are.

There, she starts eavesdropping on the villagers' conversations.

"So then what ended up happening with those outsiders that Kohaku brought to the village~?"

"Chrome brought them to stay in his warehouse!"

"If they don't intend to intrude into the village then the chief probably doesn't want to push the situation."

"I agree with that aswell, but if they try to do anything bad..."

Suika decided that she had seen enough and it was time for her to leave. She hide behind the rocks and bushes near the shore, finding out that the three sisters are talking about boys and love. Even going far to talking about the our science trio.

Yes, all three of them.

In another location, Suika heard another group of villagers talking about food. Suika head back as she concluded that she had gathered enough information.

Back in the Science Kingdom, Lalaine and Chrome are cementing the oven. Minutes of coating it, crouching down to get more cement and then back to coating it, Lalaine had had enough with it.

She scooped a large amount of cement and slapped it at the oven's side, cementing everything it can with a huff. Chrome almost dropped his at the sudden lpud noise.

Senkuu looked up from what he's drawing, "Jesus, Lalaine. Calm down, Ana will be back soon."

"Where is she, anyway?" Lalaine asked, now back to being calm.

"Under the sea, but I heard mumbling earlier about crying later for what she remember and realized just now."

Kohaku and Ana are both gathering sea plants and catching some fish under the... sea... yeah...

{Later, nighttime}

The six of them are smoking their fish on a stick, not that kind of smoke but you get the idea.

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