Chapter 33

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"You gave the vase to your mother?" Dex questioned, looking at Fitz.
Fitz nodded.
"My father likes to give her flowers every now and then, so I thought she'd need it more than I would. Plus it's in the living room, so it's not as if I don't get to see it..." Fitz shrugged.
"Our mother loves it, by the way." Biana stated.
Dex looked at the Vacker siblings who sat across from him at the table in the cafeteria.
"Ah, well, I'm glad." Dex said, nervously rubbing his neck.

Biana sighed softly.
"Sometimes I think she loves you more than us, if I'm being honest." Biana said.
"Oh, that can't be true-" Dex rolled his eyes.
"No, no. Every time we have tea together, she asks about you and your family." Fitz said.
"I mean, I love talking about you to her, but..yeah, she loves you."
Dex couldn't help but smile.
"Well, let her know I'm thankful that she likes the vase I made, it really does mean a lot." Dex said.

Dex blinked as he looked over and Keefe slid down next to him, wrapping his arms around the Technopath. Fitz grumbled and glared at Keefe.
"Uh, hi?" Dex smiled at Keefe.
Keefe frowned at Dex.
"Tam just ditched me." Keefe whined.
"You're the only person I can count on wanting my presence!"
Fitz scoffed.
"Uhm...what about your childhood best friend?" Fitz questioned.
Keefe blinked as he looked at Fitz.
"Oh..uh..." Keefe hesitated.
"Dex is superior than you."
Biana snorted a laugh and Dex tried to hold back a laugh as he smiled.
Fitz sighed.
"...I...I have nothing to say." Fitz said, raising his hands.

"Why did Tam ditch you anyways?" Dex asked, looking at Keefe.
Keefe sighed as he unwrapped his arms around Dex, now just wrapping his arm around Dex's shoulder rather than his body.
"I called him hot again and he hates it when I do that." Keefe said.
Dex laughed and smiled at Keefe.
"Jesus Keefe, seriously?" Dex questioned.
"Hey! My Tammy is super hot! You can't deny it!" Keefe exclaimed.

Dex sighed and he looked at Fitz.
"Why don't you ever call me hot?" Dex asked.
"Uh, you're more adorable than 'hot', no offence Dex." Fitz said.
"The question is, why don't you call me hot?"
"Because I don't have that confidence." Dex said.
"Hey, back to me!" Keefe exclaimed, snapping his fingers.
"Our Empath needs to be in the spotlight, you guys can't flirt!" Biana exclaimed, looking at Fitz and Dex.
"See? Biana gets me!" Keefe smiled at Biana.
Biana stuck her tongue out at Keefe and Keefe frowned.

"Anyywayys..." Keefe said, looking at Dex.
"Tam's probably not gonna talk to me for the rest of the day! So, Dex, I'm coming over later on to cause mischief with your siblings!"
"Please, no." Dex frowned.
"Lex, Bex and Rex keep on asking me to get you to come over so you can teach them more pranks to pull on me."
"...I won't tell them any pranks?" Keefe said, smiling at Dex.
"You're just gonna do them if you aren't gonna tell them." Dex stated, shaking his head.

Dex and Keefe looked at Fitz, who seemed to want to speak up.
"I kinda wanted to go over to Dex's place later on." Fitz said, looking at Keefe.
Keefe grinned. "Ooh, jealous, are we Fitzter?"
Fitz glared at Keefe.
"...Never did I think I'd see the day where Dex would have two guys wanting to go to his place after school and never did I think it'd be Fitz and Keefe." Biana said, looking at Dex.
Dex laughed and he covered his smile with his hand.
"Haha...I didn't think I'd see this either." Dex said, smiling at Biana.

"You know what? Keefe, you can babysit my siblings and make sure they give me and Fitz space while we do our own thing in my room. How does that sound?"
Dex glanced between Fitz and Keefe.
"Mmh, sure!" Keefe exclaimed.
"I'll ensure you guys have your private smoochy time-!"
"Keefe, oh my god, we do not make out all the time-" Fitz began.
"What? Oh you're missing out, I love making out with my dear Tam!" Keefe grinned.
"God, Keefe!" Dex scowled.
"Please, just...eugh..."

Keefe raised his eyebrows at Dex and Fitz.
"You guys...seriously don't kiss that much?" Keefe asked.
"They smooch a lot when Dex is over at our place." Biana said, looking at Keefe.
"But not at Rimeshire?" Keefe looked at Dex.
"The triplets like to steal Fitz and harass him and also try to eavesdrop in our conversations. So, we tend to tone things down." Dex said.
"And, well, I wanna show Fitz this gadget I've been working on"
"Oh, is it that gadget you began working on when we were hailing last night?" Fitz asked.
Dex nodded at Fitz and Fitz smiled.
"I can't wait to see it then." 

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