Little Update

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I everyone!
I know i've been gone for a little while now. I'm very sorry for that but, life got a bit too much and i didn't have the inspiration to write.

But i want to get back into it and bring back Lion Rose!!!

I hope to post some chapters before the end of the year and, if everything goes well, a christmas special!!

Now that i have a more clear idea of where i want this story to go i have been revising and rewriting the older chapters (not going to change to much , don't worry)
I want to star posting the revised chapters in the begining of next year.

I hope that you're still excited for this story!
A big thank you to everyone that supported it, and me, up to this point.
It really means a lot!

Thank you!!! See you soon!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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