Lost Girls - Bring Her Home

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Leo waits impatiently in front of Elena's house, a sense of relive washes over him when he sees Elena park the car in the drive way.

"Elle is with Damon?" Elena asks rushing to Leo

Leo nods "she'll be okay" he tries to reassure when he meets Elena's worried eyes

Elena runs a shaky hand through her hair "how did you let this happen?" she asks turning to her boyfriend

Stefan tries to get close to her but she takes a step back, Leo sees the sadness in his little brother's face and feels sorry for him "Everything is going to be okay" Stefan reassures

Elena shakes her head "we got to take her out of there" she states nervously

"And we are going to" Leo intervenes "let's just go talk inside" he suggest and both Stefan and Elena seemed to agree with that. Probably not wanting the neighbors in on their secrets

Elena leads the way and the three of them enter the Gilbert house, stopping when they see Vicky and Matt standing near each other and Jeremy on the ground. Leo frowns upon seeing Vicky there and can help but look around for Eve but she wasn't there. Of course that Damon would let her go like that, she was the ace in his sleeve. Leo just hoped that she was okay.

"What's going on?" Elena asks looking around

Matt looks at Elena with an apologetic look "She's really messed up." He says agitated keeping a safe distance from her sister

Leo and Stefan share a look realizing what was going on "Elena, back up." Stefan advices stepping closer to Elena and gently nudging her back "Vicki, look at me." He says gently cupping her face with his right hand "Focus." He adds when she locks eyes with him "You're gonna be fine. Everything's gonna be fine." He says suddingly while Jeremy, Matt and Elena look at each other confused "Guys," he says looking at Matt and Jeremy that instantly step closer "take her up to bed. Shut the blinds. She's gonna be ok. Come on." He says nudging Vicky forward with her little brother "Come on." He repeats his words pushing Jeremy along with Vicky and Matt.

The three of them and Stefan share a look with Leo, letting him know that what they fear was actually true, Vicky was in transition. Leo sighs and runs a nervous hand through his hair not just worried for Vicky but with what Damon might do with Eve.

Elena looks between the two brothers with a scared look on her face "You guys know what's wrong with her?" she asks nervously

"Yeah." Stefan confirms sounding really unpleased with the situation

"What is it?" Elena asks, her voice wavering

Stefan glances at Leo before answering "She's transitioning" he informs letting out a breath

Elena looks between the brothers, scared of what she was about to hear next "Transitioning to what?" she asks slowly

Stefan pauses for a moment not really wanting to say the word "A vampire." He says

Elena's eyes go wide, the shock was clear on her face even though she was expecting that answer "What?" she asks in a low voice

"Damon must have gotten to her. She's new. She hasn't completed her transformation yet." Stefan clarifies calmly

Elena shakes her head frenetically "H-how does she do that?" she asks stammering a little bit

Stefan stops and looks into Elena's eyes afraid that she might not like the answer "She has to feed on human blood." He says slowly

Elena gasps "And what if she doesn't?" she wonders

Leo watched as his brother explain the situation to Elena, it was clear that his little brother didn't want to say any of that to his girlfriend but he just couldn't lie anymore "She'll die." Stefan answers giving Elena some time to process the information "She may only have a few hours." He adds

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