162 Candles - Cold

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Leo nears his brother room with two cups of blood in hand but stops when hears a feminine voice coming from inside "Stop. I don't know, some freak shot at me with wooden bullets. I bail in under sixty. And why is a news reporter hunting vampires?" she hears her say and a smile creeps to his lips as he recognizes the voice

"I don't know who knows about us. That guy did. There could be others. Do me a favor, while you're here, please be careful." Stefan explains. Leo and Stefan were still trying to figure out who else knew about vampires after Logan Fell almost killed Stefan. Until now they come out empty handed and were in high alert

"Why stay? I'm headed to New York for the weekend. Bon Jovi in the Garden. "Wanted dead or alive", it's our theme song. It'll be a blast." Lexi, Stefan's best friends from many years says as Leo comes close unsure if he should interrupt them or not

"Do you think he would actually remember us? That was a pretty crazy weekend huh?" Stefan asks sounding amused

"We can make him remember us. Come on! Let's go. I mean, what's keeping you here?" Lexi asks

"I told you, her name is Elena." Stefan explains

"Isn't that sweet" Leo teases finally entering the room

"Leo" Lexi says enthusiastically tackling him in a hug

He hugs back the best he can with the glasses still in his hands "it's nice to see you" he says smiling warmly at her once she lets go. He likes Lexi, he meet her a few times when he went to see Stefan, she was a good influence on his little brother.

She returns the smile "it's nice to see you too" she says "what do you have there" she says glancing to the glasses and scrunching her nose

He looks at the two glasses and smiles apologetic "sorry I didn't knew you were here" he informs

Lexi waves him off "oh don't worry" she says with a grin "I'm not drinking that anyway" she says and Leo realizes that she didn't drink animal blood

He laughs and turns to his brother "happy birthday" he says cheerfully handing him a glass

Stefan shakes his head slightly but had a smile on his lips "Thanks" he says clicking their glasses together

"Speaking of that" Lexi says making the brothers turn to her "What are we doing for your birthday? It's not everyday a guy turns a hundred and sixty-two years old." She comments with a grin

"I agree" Leo joins in earning himself a hi5

Stefan groans "Really?" he complains

Lexi nods "Oh yeah." She says smoothly making the brother laugh

Meanwhile Jenna was driving all the family to the Sheriff's Office for being questioned about Vicki's disappearance and Evangeline couldn't be more unconformable with the situation. On the way there, Eve kept her eyes on the moving scenery outside her window. Last night events kept her awake all night and, to top it off, she had a knot in her stomach that preventer for even thinking about food.

She glances at Jeremy next to her, on the back seat, and her heart sinks. He was oblivious to the truth which bothered Eve. She couldn't help but think that this was going to come crushing down on them sooner or later and it's going to be ten times worse than just deal with the situation when it comes up. Trust is a tricky thing, difficult to win but easy to lose. Matt's face pop into her mind making her heart sink further. How could she face him and let him go on a helpless hunt for someone that would never come?

Eve believes that telling the truth to some people would be the best solution but she seems to be the only one thinking like that. So, her life was now, officially, a pile of lies snowballing.

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