Pilot - Fresh Start

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Notes: This is my first fanfiction, I've never written anything before so it may not be very good. also, English is not my first language so forgive me for any misspelling. I'm open to Criticism and sugestions. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy.

Disclamer: I do not own Vampire Diaries or any of the Characters present on the show.


It was a nice sunny morning and it happened to be the first day of school for the Gilbert brothers after the tragedy that killed their parent's. If the day was anything like the weather then it should be a good one.

Elena has sitting across the window bench, on her and her twin shared closet, soaking in the last of the summer sun and writing in her diary, the only way she found to express her feelings and, somehow, cope with the loss of her parents.

"Dear diary, today will be different. It has to be." She mouth her own words out loud without noticing it.

"I will put on a happy face" her identical twin said lining on the door frame.

Evangeline walks into the closet in the direction of her sister "I will smile, and it will be believable" Elena said watching her twin making an over the top smile.

"People will ask "how are you?"" Evangeline said making her best pity eyes and sad voice.

They have talk about this day; they were dreading all the sadness and pity on everyone's eyes. They just want to be treated normally again.

"My smile will say "I'm fine, thank you." Elena rested her pen and smiled dramatically mimicking her sister

Evangeline couldn't held back a laugh seeing her sister silly smile "Sure." She said waving her arm in a dismissive gesture "Everything is getting back to normal" She continued holding a hand over her chest, for dramatic flair.

Elena closed her diary and place it on the ground next to her "Yes, I feel much better." She stated playing along.

"And then, wave them goodbye" Evangeline spoke doing a queen like wave.

Elena laughs at her sister silliness " I will no longer be the sad little girl who lost her parents" she stated lowering her legs making room on the bench for her twin.

Evangeline seats next to her "The survivors of a tragedy" she declared looking in the distance.

Elena looks at her sister and smiled, she was sure that her twin was watching too many telenovelas.

"I will start fresh, be someone new" Elena said seeing her sister turn to her.

Sensing a more serious tone in her sister voice Evangeline grabbed her hand and smiled fondly at her "someone brave, strong" she said in a soothing voice.

Elena squeezed her sister's hand "It's the only way we'll make it through"

Evangeline closed her eyes, rested her forehead on her sister's and, took a deep breath. They both pull apart and smiled at each other "We're really good at this, I think everyone is going to buy it" she joked lighting the mood.

The two sister make their away to the kitchen only to find a flustered Jenna running around like a chicken without a head.

She came across some bread on the counter "Toast. I can make toast." She said like it was the best idea that she ever had.

The twins look at each other with an amused look on their faces. They knew Aunt Jenna had given up a lot to maintain their life's as normal as possible after what happen and for that they were truly grateful, even Jeremy although he didn't show it much.

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