You're Undead To Me - Three Days Later

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On the Salvatore boarding house Stefan and Leo were in the cellar watching Damon trough the small opening of the heavy metal door.

Damon was weak and sweaty, lying on the floor "Where is my ring?" he slurs after checking his hand

Leo shrugs even though his older brother couldn't see him "that's kinda of a secret" he mocks

"Won't be needing it anymore." Stefan adds in a low voice

Damon forces himself to move his head and look around. Small whimpers of pain falling from his lips as he does so "How long have I been here?" he asks in a weak voice

Leo and Stefan share a look, both uncomfortable by seeing their brother in that state "Three days." Stefan informs

"And I have to say that they were the best three days I had since I came to mystic falls" Leo jokes even thought it was a lie. The last three days have been miserable, just hanging around the house waiting for one brother to rot and watching the other mope around the house. In moments like that he kinda missed Evangeline, at least with her he could always joke around

"What are you guys doing?" Damon asks after taking a moment to regain his strength

"During the dark ages when a vampire's actions threatened to expose or bring harm upon the entire race, they would face judgment. They sought to reeducate them rather than to punish them." Stefan explains while both of them watch their older brother take heavy breaths

"You know what will happen if I don't..." Damon tries to say but as to pause to breath "feed on blood." He finishes while keeping his eyes closed

Stefan and Leo nod affirmatively "You'll grow weaker and weaker. Eventually you won't be able to move or speak. In a week your skin will desiccate, and you'll mummify. A living corpse. Unable to hurt anyone. Ever." Stefan says slowly making some dramatic pauses to make sure Damon could understand everything he said

"I've yet to see it but I have a feeling that mummy Damon will be the best version of the vampire you" Leo teases. He couldn't help but make fun of his older brother, that was the base of their relation and he was sure that if Damon wasn't in such a weak state he would mock him as well

"Really funny" Damon remarks weakly "So what, you're just going to leave me in the basement, forever?" he asks and this time the fear was perceptible in both is eyes and voice

"I've injected you with enough vervain to keep you weak. Once your circulation stops, I'll move you to the family crypt, and then in 50 years, we can reevaluate." Stefan informs while nodding

Damon coughs turning his body to his side "I'm stronger than you think." He says in between breaths but he could still sound threatening despite his breaking voice and weak appearance

Leo takes a deep breath sharing a worried look with Stefan, the truth was that neither one of them could know exactly the extend of Damon's power "You always have been. But you're not stronger than the vervain. And we all know it." Stefan says sounding secure even thought it was just a hope, for now. They still had to wait a few more days to make sure he was weak enough to not try anything "I'm sorry." Stefan adds taking a step forward "Didn't have to be this way." He says and he was being sincere, both Stefan and Leo were hopping to bring their family back together and they wanted Damon to be a part of it. Both brothers turn and leave leaving the older Salvatore lying, alone, in the dark and quiet cell

Meanwhile Eve walked in the bathroom she shared with her sister and brother, still in her pajamas and tangled hair.

She yawns while walking to the sink noticing the presence of a girl in there as well and thinking it was her sister "hi Ella!" she greets with her eyes still half closed, she looks at the girl next to her in the mirror and turns to face her "You're not my sister" she says looking at Vicky with wide eyes

Lion Rose - Night Light [1] (A Gilbert twin story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora