162 Candles - I Won't Give Up

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Leo was starting his Land Rover when Lexi steps into the passenger seat "what are you doing?" he asks confused. He thought that Stefan and Lexi would meet him at the Grill.

"You're giving me a ride" she states like it was obvious

Leo frowns "what about Stefan?" he asks

Lexi smiles "he as to go somewhere first" she informs with a grin

Leo sighs deeply starting the car and pulling out of his driveway "let me guess" he says, pausing for dramatic flair "Elena's house" he says

"And Evangeline's" she teases "her name is Evangeline isn't it?" she wonders with a knowing look. Leo doesn't answer, his eyes glued to the road ahead of him "I used to think that you would never be caught by the same problem your brothers where" she comments "I guess I was wrong" she adds in a mocking tone

"I wasn't caught by anything" he defends himself "I just don't want her to get hurt because my brothers want to relive a fantasy, that's all" he adds firmly

Lexi laughs quietly "oh, so that's why you practically throw her out of the house this afternoon" she teases

Leo takes a deep breath "just let it go Lexi" he warns grabbing the steering wheel tighter

"I agree with you on the whole fantasy thing, and believe me I was furious with Stefan when I meet Elena earlier but..." she says, pausing for a second to look at Leo that kept looking ahead, his jaw clench "with you I'm just happy to see that someone is finally breaking trough that wall you build around you" she explains, the honesty showing through in her voice "that hasn't happen in what? Seventy years?" she wonders

"And is not going to happen" he states firmly "much less with a human" he adds harshly "that's what the past is foe, you learn from it" he declares bitterly "and that's the end of it" he warns

Lexi leans casually on her seat, not fazed by Leo's warnings "well I think you're just running because you know she's catching up to you" she points out

"That's enough Lexi" Leo states angrily. Lexi throws her hands up in surrender we're here" he informs parking the car on the Grill parking lot and immediately getting out of the car

At the same time Eve was walking out of the Grill. She had been there for some time now, helping Caroline set up everything. Now, the party was going as plan and her best friend had walk off on her to talk to Damon. Eve takes that opportunity to go outside and get some fresh air, the day has been emotionally draining for her.

She sees Leo standing next to his car and her heart starts to beat faster. She felt an urge to walk to him, he would make a silly comment and she would laugh. He always had a way of making her fell happier. But now she didn't have him anymore. Suddenly her aunt's words play around on her mind 'don't let him go without a fight'. A wave of courage washes over her and she stumps in his direction, more determined than ever.

"Leo" she calls making him turn to her "I just want to let you know that I don't accept that we can't be friends anymore" she declares holding his stare "I should have a say in that as well" she adds with hopeful eyes

Leo glances at the car and then back at Evangeline "Eve..." he tries to warn

"No" she interrupts shaking her head "you're really important to me" she confesses watching Leo's eyes softening with her words "more important than I ever realized and I'm not going to let you walk out of my life like that" she adds her heart beating fast with fear and anticipation

He stares at her fighting an internal battle with himself "that's not your decision to make" he says looking down

"Part of it is" she says softly, taking a step forward and making Leo lock eyes with her again "the part where I choose to let you go or fight for what we have" she explains taking another step forward. Leo tenses with the proximity but doesn't move "I'm not gonna give up, I'm choosing to fight, and I hope one day you will too. I don't know what happened to you in the past but I have a feeling that all this is bigger than just my outburst the other day" she lets out in one breath, their eyes never leaving each other "I just want you to know that I'm not going anywhere" she adds sincerely, slowly reaching for his hand. Their fingers brush together gently and Leo's breathe hitches on his throat as Evangeline heart beat increases. He turns his hand moving his fingers in between hers, craving the contact as much as she did

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