Friday Night Bites - New Plan

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The next morning Evangeline gets into her sister room to scold her for leaving her alone the previous night but, the persistent grin on her sister face makes Eve curious. So, she was now seating in her twin bed, a side smile plastered on her face, after Elena had told her that she had gone to Stefan house last night and confesses her felling for him and he reciprocated. That led to a, slightly jealous Eve, hearing her sister, now, gushing over all the kissing and fireworks that come after that.

"So you kissed Stefan?" Eve asked teasingly

"Ahan" Elena confirms grinning

"How was it?" Eve asked curious, it was nice to see her sister happy again, even thought it was with Stefan

Elena sighs dreamily "Amazing" she gushes

Eve laughs quietly "so it's official now?" she wondered

Elena shrugs "I think so" she lets out a little unsure

"I like this new Elena, taking control of the situation and going after what she wants" Eve praises

Elena nods visibly proud of herself "Yeah, I like her too" she agrees smiling "how was your night?" she asks remembering that she had left her twin alone

Eve pouted "well, everyone abandoned me" she stated trying to sound disappointed

Elena squints her eyes in confusion "Really? Bonnie and Caroline left early?" she asks

Eve nods vigorously "yeah" she confirms with an accusing tone "but you had a good excuse though, so, you're forgiven" she adds with a little smile playing on her lips

Elena bites her lip fighting a smile "sorry that you had to see the comet alone, I know you were excited" she said apologetic

Eve scratches the back of her neck, uneasy, for a second "I didn't watch it alone" she confesses earning a curious look from her twin "I saw it with Leo actually" she adds

Elena mouth fly open in surprise "What?!" she almost screams

Eve makes a face at her sister reaction "don't give me that look, nothing happened." She explains "We just make emends" she clarify

"For what?" Elena asks more confuse than ever

Eve shrugs casually "you know, I hurt him the first time we meet and I may, or may not, mistreat him in the hospital" she explains with an innocent smile, leaving out the fight they had the previous night, that would involve a lot more explanation than Eve was willing to give "so, we exchange apologies and everything is good" she declares grinning "after all he is going to be my brother in law, we need to be in good terms" she mocks

Elena makes a face at her "shut up" she says blushing

Eve gets up and follows her twin out of the room "its true thought" she pushes, earning herself a shove.

At the same time, at the Salvatore Boarding House Leo walks in Stefan room not caring to ask permission.

"Good morning little brother. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but, I think we have a problem" he says with a side smile throwing himself in his brother leather couch

Stefan sighs "what are you talking about?" he asked with an annoyed tone

Leo shrugs "it's just a cute little problem but it can cause a lot of damage" he explains

Stefan turns in his brother direction crossing his arms "can you get to the point?" he requests

Leo grins "I give you a clue" he offers

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