The Turning Point - Delay

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It had been a couple of days since the 'Emily incident', as Eve calls it, and things where still a little tense. In that morning Evangeline was up unusually earlier and was already ready to leave when Elena comes down the stairs

"Jeremy's got his sketch pad out." Elena informs Jenna and her sister, in a cheerful voice

Jenna and Eve share a socked look before turning to Elena "You're kidding?" Jenna wonders happily

Elena shakes her head with a grin "nope" she confirms

Eve smiles at that "that's amazing! He hasn't done it since..." she stops mid sentence not being able to talk about her parents dead

Elena's smile dies a little "But don't say a word. The minute we encourage him, he'll put it away." She advices moving the conversation along

"Psychology major." Jenna comments pointing at herself with a smug grin "Check that!" she says with a small cocky dance

Eve smiles, shaking her head slightly at her aunt. She glances at her sister to find her looking at her phone, a sad look crossing her eyes as she does so. Evangeline's smile drops, she knew that her sister was hoping for some news from Stefan but he's been radio silent for the past few days. Eve has been talking with Leo and she knew that they were still in town but that wouldn't last long. Her heart sinks as it always did with the thought of Leo leaving. Even thought, rationally, she understood his motives she selfishly didn't want him to go.

Jenna notices Elena's sad look as well "You and Stefan?" she wonders walking closer to her "Update?" she asks stopping next to Eve

"He knows how I feel and where I stand and I know where he stands but it doesn't matter. He's leaving, moving away." Elena informs while buttoning up her jacket

Jenna's eyes go wide with the information "Leo is going to" she asks turning to Eve that nods her head affirmatively "Where are they going?" she asks looking between her nieces

Elena shrugs and walks to the door opening it "I've stopped asking questions." She informs while the three of them walk out of the house "The answers get scary." Elena adds closing the door behind them

Elena frowns suspiciously "probably Europe" Eve informs. At least was what Leo had told her

Jenna nods in understanding "Yours leaves, mine returns." She comments and the twins frown

"Logan?" Elena wonders

"Wasn't he out of town" Eve adds

Jenna purses her lips "He's back." She informs and as on queue the twins groan, they didn't really trust Logan with their aunt's heart. "I didn't let him pass the front door." Jenna says trying to appease her niece's disfavor

Elena signs "I hope you slammed it in his face." She comments while they all walked to the car

Eve nods in agreement "he doesn't deserve more than that" she points out

Jenna laughs "Ah, medium slam." She informs with a proud grin

"Three strike rule, Jenna. You're not even aloud to watch the news." Elena points out seriously

Jenna nods "Exactly." She agrees "No more Logan "Scum" Fell." She states and the twins nod approvingly

"Even more so now that your lovely nephew introduce you to our new history teacher" Eve teases "you can focus on that" she mocks with a suggestive look

Elena nods "who know that Jeremy would be the one playing cupid" she comments

"Right?" Eve wonders agreeing with her sister "that was unexpected" she says

Lion Rose - Night Light [1] (A Gilbert twin story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant