History Repeating - Team

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Eve was in her room putting away some cloths in her dresser when all of the sudden her window flies open making her turn around quickly to be face to face with Damon, his eyes where blood shot red and the veins under his eyes were black. His expression was dangerous and scary, he growls at her showing his fangs, she steps away from him as much as she could on the enclose space. He smirks before charging in her direction

Eve jolts in the bed, her eyes open wide and her breath uneven. She runs a hand trough her hair looking around the dark room. Her expression turning into a frown when she spots Damon seating on her desk chair holding up her bracelets "Damon for the last time, leave me alone" she whines rubbing her eyes "It's six in the morning, for god's sake" she protests glancing at her alarm clock

He throws the bracelets to the bed and Eve is quick to put them back on "If you want me to stop, you know what you have to do" he says lining back on the chair

Eve rolls her eyes pulling herself back so her back was against the headboard of the bed "this is getting repetitive Damon" she points out "why do you want that necklace so bad?" she asks once again

Damon smirks "now who's getting repetitive?" he throws back at her

Eve takes a deep breath "don't come into my bedroom in the middle of the night and you can avoid that" she points out, in this last month she had get accustomed to Damon's presence. He was annoying but the truth was that he never tried to hurt her "sometimes I think that you just come here to have someone to talk to" she mocks

"Don't flatter yourself original sin" he jokes "I'm just here because I want what is mine" he says getting up and walking closer to Eve's bed "believe me when a tell you that your friend is much better without that necklace" he stated seating on the end of the bed

Eve looks at Damon with a serious look on her face, noticing some honesty in his voice for the first time "why do you say that?" she asks "maybe if you tell me I can understand your side and help you" she offers

He smirks "nice try sleeping beauty" he teases getting up

"You know that I have a name right?" she points out, he just gives her a mischievous smile "well I think you know the end of this conversation already so let's call it a night, goodnight Damon" she says getting back under the covers , closing her eyes

"You know" Damon says slowly "I've been awfully nice to you, I haven't hurt you, I haven't hurt anyone for that matter" he points out "I haven't compelled you" he adds "but that can easily end" he warns

Eve opens one eye to look at him "don't think for a second that I believe you're doing that for the goodness of your heart" she says seating up on the bed again "you're only acting like that because with a just got the council out of your back with Lexi's dead and now it not the time to get the attention drawn to yourself" she comments with a knowing look

He smirks nearing the window "but maybe that time is coming soon" he lets out disappearing right after

Eve sighs letting herself fall back on the bed. This as been a complicated month, Leo hadn't talked to her since the night of the party and Stefan has been avoiding Elena since them as well. And, to top it off Damon as been bothering her since to get Bonnie's necklace, it's mostly just harmless warnings. He's been trying to lay low since Lexi's dead and Eve's been using that in her advantage but tonight she sense a real treat behind his seemingly casual comment.

Her phone starts buzzing on her night stand and she turns to it frowning when her eyes land on the alarm clock "who the hell is calling me at this hour" she wonders watching the clock mark ten to seven. She picks her phone up seeing Bonnie's name on the screen

Lion Rose - Night Light [1] (A Gilbert twin story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt