(special)Unpleasantville - Second Chance

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Stefan quickly makes his way through the crowd, pushing some of the students out of his way without much though. His eyes trailed on the man Elena had pointed at. Leo followed closely behind, taking advantage of the path his younger brother had created on the ocean of dancing bodies. He takes a moment to look behind him and sees Elena take Eve's hand, pushing her into the crowd until they are out of his eyesight.

Leo's attention turns back to Stefan, his body following him almost robotically while his mind wondered. Even though he tried, he couldn't help but feel like he brought danger to the life of every person that he got too close to.

All of the sudden a familiar laugh fills his mind like a soft, alluring melody. And for a moment it was like he was transported to the past. He could almost feel the warm air brushing his skin as he runs. The dry leaves crashing beneath his feet, her contagious laughter enticing a smile from him. His eyes glued on her figure as she twirled in front of him without a care in the world. Like they weren't domed. He remembered how happy and hopeful he felt in that moment. A feeling that he has been avoiding for a really long time.

He wanted to push that memory back to the dark corner of his mind but he couldn't bring himself to do it. At least not just yet, he knew that she was going to turn to him in a couple of seconds and he had to wait, he wanted to look into her eyes one more time, even if it was just for a moment, even if it was just in his head. But, when her eyes finally locked with his he wasn't meted with the drowning blue he was expecting. He was facing warm brown. Eve's brown eyes were staring right into his, bringing him back to reality right away. The desire to keep Eve safe that overtook him, took him by surprise.

The man turn a corner and the two brothers pick up the pace, afraid to lose him. When they finally reach the corridor where the man had gone into they were glad to see that it was a dark and empty area. Offering them the perfect opportunity to attack without being afraid to be seen.

Stefan doesn't waste any time and uses his vampire speed to reach the man. He grabbed him by the black hoodie he was wearing and slammed him aggressively into the lockers that where next to them

Surprise took over the two vampires when they notice that the guy they were following was just a human teenager. They could clearly hear his heart racing in fear.

"What did I do?" the boy stutter in a small voice, looking at Stefan with wide eyes

Stefan, confused, loosens the grip he has on the boy a little but doesn't back up.

Leo keeps his eyes on the teen boy, a puzzled look on his face "he is just a human" he says in a low tone that he his sure only his brother could hear

Leo could feel Stefan's frustration build up. His grip on the boy tightening again "Where is he?" Stefan demanded

The boy seemed to get confused when faced with the question "I was getting a soda, and then this guy gave me his hoodie." He explained quickly

Leo lets out a humorless laugh "it was a trick" he points out, running a nervous hand trough his hair "lets go" he adds walking towards the gym. Memories tried to fill his head again and although he is quick to push them away the piercing scream that he knew so well still manage to pop into his mind

He forces his mind to focus on Eve and how much he wanted her to be safe, because he knew that if he kept comparing the situation he was going to drive himself crazy. And that could just bring more trouble to everyone.

When the two brothers walked back into the party they frenetically search for any signs of the twins in the crowd. Unsurprisingly they weren't anywhere to be found "He took them" Stefan declares running a hand trough his hair, the panic he was felling was clear in his face

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