You're Undead To Me - Car Wash

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Eve had spent all day with Caroline, helping her put together the sexy suds car wash. It was almost starting time when Elena arrived. Evangeline walked to her as soon as she saw her, she was really curious to know if everything went good with Stefan last night.

"Hi!" Eve says walking closer to Elena

Elena turns around at the sound of her twin's voice "Hi!" she says with a smile, that quickly turns to a frown when she sees her sister "Wow you look..." she comments with an amused smile

Eve purses her lips while nodding in agreement "like a sexy sailor from Halloween I know" she says cutting of her twin

Elena laughs and Eve joins her "Well I think you make a good choice it looks good on you" Elena teases fighting the laughter "and it certainly fits the theme" she adds

Eve shakes her head with a playful smile "it's sweet that you think I had a choice." She states patting her twin's shoulder "I slept at Caroline's remember?" she points out smiling

"Right" Elena says playfully

Eve laughs along with her sister; they both knew how Caroline could be demanding sometimes "so, how was everything with Stefan?" Eve asks

Elena shrugs "good! I guess" she says a little unsure

Eve frowns looking at her twin "did he not tell you about himself?" she wonders

"He did," Elena answers nodding her head "he told me he that he likes to read, he's a Fitzgerald fan but also likes Grisham. He loves 'Seinfeld' and 'I love Lucy'. He's a Scorsese fan" she listed with a smile playing on her lips

"I love Scorsese as well, I really liked the Departed and Gangs of New York it's pretty good as well" she comments and Elena nods in agreement

"He's all over the place when it comes to music;" Elena tells her twin "he even likes one Miley song" she adds with an amused look on her face

Eve's head snaps in her sister direction "I wouldn't have imagined that" she lets out while laughing quietly

Elena laughs a well "me too." She confesses "He loves garlic and can do he's own mozzarella" she says playfully

Eve nods impressed with Stefan cooking talents "uh, a guy that cooks it's gonna come in handy for you." She teases her sister that smiles "What about Katherine?" Eve asks with a more serious tone

Elena takes a deep breath before answering "he said that she was beautiful, that she had olive skin, she had a contagious laugh and she was fun and knew how to have a good time. But he said she was also very impatient and entitled and selfish, and impulsive" she listed "Damon told me the exact same thing that night when he and Caroline showed up uninvited to our dinner" Elena remembers

"Well at least they agree on something" Eve comments laughing lightly "speaking about Damon did Stefan told you anything about Katherine's relationship with Damon?" she asks

Elena nods "He says that Damon claims that he was with her first but he doesn't know if that is true or not" she informs

"So what went wrong?" Eve asks confuse as to why her sister sound unsure when she asked if everything went good with her and Stefan. From what Eve was hearing he told her everything she wanted to know

Elena sighs looking down "I think I sew dark veins appearing under his eyes"

"Like on the night of the party in the woods?" Eve asks cutting her sister of

Elena nods and they both stare at each other knowing full well that the idea of vampires was playing on both of their minds, again "I'm paranoid right?" Elena asks wanting some reassurance from her twin

Lion Rose - Night Light [1] (A Gilbert twin story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें