Pilot - New Guy

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Evangeline takes that moment and walks in a fast pace towards Bonnie.

"Who's that?" she ask right away, the urgency clear in her voice.

Bonnie looked at her like she had two heads "I don't know, his new" she said confused as to why Evangeline was so eager to know who he was, it was like she had seen him before "why are you so interested?" she asked curious.

Evangeline looks away from Bonnie's perceptive stare "Me?" she ask dismissive, getting distracted for a second with the exchange happening between her sister and the very handsome stranger "look at Ella, she is the one interested" Evangeline comment watching her sister getting all 'high school girl' over the guy.

Bonnie looked at them as well, they look enchanted with each other. That makes her smile; Elena deserved some happiness in her life. But Evangeline reaction to the new guy was weird and, she might think she got away with it, but she was on to her.

In history class, Elena couldn't concentrate in anything other than the hot new guy a few seats behind her, Evangeline could see her sister moving around in her seat trying her hardest not to look in his direction. She, on the other hand, couldn't help but look, he most have notice that and looked at her as well. They just stood there, staring at each other like they were the only ones there.

No, it couldn't be. At that moment Evangeline was sure she was going crazy. So she does the only thing she can do in that situation and, turns her attention to Mr. Tanner avoiding the hot new guy at all cost.

Mister Tanner was teaching the class in is usual boring way "Once our home state of Virginia joined confederacy in 1861, it created a tremendous amount of tension within the state. People in Virginia's northwest region had different ideals than those from the traditional deep south. Then Virginia divided in 1863 with the northwest region joining the union." He continued talking but at that point he didn't have the student's attention anymore.

Feeling his eyes on her, Elena looks back at the new guy, when her brown eyes meet his green ones she offers him a kind smile and turns around quickly blushing like crazy. He, on the other way, keeps is eyes on her. And that grabs the attention of Evangeline and Bonnie that share a knowing look among them.

Bonnie quickly text her best friend, she couldn't let the opportunity to tease her pass. Well that and, playing cupid a bit, it wasn't just Caroline and Evangeline that enjoyed doing that.

Elena felt her phone vibrating and discretely looks at it under the desk. It was a text.

From Bonnie: HAWT-E. STARING @ U.

She couldn't hold back a smile after reading that. The sexy, handsome new guy was looking at her and that excited her. Maybe he was exactly what she needed in her life right now. She looked behind her and her eyes meet his again. Feeling embarrassed, she quickly turn her head, grinning to herself.

Bonnie smiles to herself proud of her accomplishment. She looks at Evangeline wanting to share her excitement for what's happening.

Evangeline notices her friend stare and grins at her. She turns her attention to her sister again and guilt washes over her, her sister was smiling again and all that she feels is jealousy. How could she feel that way, she was never selfish like that.

Later that day, the twins, had agreed to visit their parents grave, they thought it was a good way of sharing the beginning of this new phase of their lives with them. Their mom and dad always got really excited with their first days; it was sweet. And, now, they can't have that anymore. In the end only Elena got to go there.

After all that happened that day, Evangeline needed to be alone, and she knew her sister would enjoy some time alone as well so, she stayed in the house.

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