Bloodlines - Telling Elena

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Eve rolls around in her sleep, her body pressing into something unfamiliar. Her eyes flutter open to come face to face with Leo. He was lying on his side, facing her. His face only a few inches away from her own as their chests press together sending a warm wave of excitement trough her. Eve stare at him for a moment taking in his features as he slept peacefully. His breath was soft and his sandy hair was messy.

Her breath hitch in her throat as her eyes fell on his naked chest. She slowly brings her hand up, her fingers ball in a fist as she fights the urge to touch him. Her teeth catch her lower lip as her heart races on her chest. She glances at Leo's face to see that his eyes were still close. Eve opens her hand and gently presses her fingertips on his skin, the hair on her arm rise with excitement when she felt his soft skin. Like they had a life of their own her fingers start to move down his chest.

"What are you doing?" Leo's low voice breaks Eve out of her trance.

She looks up to see that Leo's eyes are still close "I'm sorry" she says quickly, feeling her cheeks heating up

Eve takes her hand from his chest but Leo grabs it gently. His eyes opening for the first time to lock with hers "I wasn't asking you to stop" he says seductively, putting her hand back on his chest

Eve's heart drum in her hears as she looks at him. His eyes burn into hers and a wave of courage runs through her. She moves her hand down Leo's arm guiding his hand to her waist. Leo holds her stare "what do you want Angel?" he asks moving his hand down to her hip and holding it firmly

Eve hold her breath trying to keep the fluttering feeling on her stomach at bay. Her skin tingling as she moves her hand, slowly, to the back of his head grabbing a hold of his hair "Kiss me" she requests moving closer to him. Their noses brush together and she could feel his lips close to hers. Her eyes close as the anticipation took over; the air was heavy between them, their uneven breathing the only sound that could be heard.

"What?" Leo asks sounding confuse

Eve pulls herself away. Her eyes open again to see Leo fully clothed and hovering above her. She looks around for a second, realizing that she was dreaming.

Leo straights himself, seating on the edge of the bed, next to her "were you dreaming?" he wonders

"What?" she wonders, seating up on the bed, a blush creeps to her checks at the thought that she might have said something "I don't remember" she lies

Leo squints her eyes at her but doesn't say anything "your sister is here" he informs

Eve eyes go wide as she jumps out of the bed "is she okay?" she asks looking around the room for her shoes

Leo nods "I think so, they are pulling into the drive way right now" he says getting up and walking to the end of the bed picking up her white sneakers "here" he says handing them to her

She takes them, smiling at him "thank you" Eve says leaning on the back of the couch so she could put her shoes on. She notice a pillow and a blanket lying carelessly on the couch and a hint of disappointment hits her as she realizes that Leo hasn't slept on the bed with her "let's go" she says heading to the door

Eve rushes trough the hallway and down the stairs, Leo follows behind in a slower pace "aren't you coming?" Leo asks when he sees Stefan standing on his bedroom door

"I think is better if I wait here" Stefan says with a worried look

Leo nods in understanding "is going to be okay" he reassures before disappearing in vampire speed to the front door

Eve runs out of the door "Ella" she calls throwing her arms around her sister

Elena smiles hugging her twin "are you okay?" she wonders noticing the distress on her sister voice

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