Bloodlines - Unexpected Truth

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Eve looked between the brothers before seating down next to Leo. She finds herself leaning closer to him as he put his arm behind her back, on top of the couch. "So, what happened that night?" Eve asks, watching Stefan pull a chair and seating in front of her.

"I usually come to Mystic Falls from time to time" Stefan explains "I came to visit my uncle, Zach, and the house" he continues, doing a short pause "this town always feels like home, somehow" he confesses "I was on the wood near Wikery Bridge, and I heard the accident" he adds, resting his elbows on his knees "I got there fast but, when I got there the car was already submerged" he says looking up at Eve "You dad was still conscient when I reach the car but he kept directing me to the back seat" he says gently, careful to not upset Evangeline. She swallows the lump on her throat, loudly, making Leo wrap his arm around her shoulders

"Are you okay?" he asks softly

Eve nods "yes" she reassures, offering him a small smile "you can continue" she says, turning her attention back to Stefan

Stefan shares a look with Leo before proceeding "when I looked at the back seat, I saw you" he says slowly

"I remember" she lets out, looking down "Elena had giving up. I was desperately shaking her but she was just floating, her eyes wouldn't open" she explains sadly "I was so scared" she confesses

"You told me to grab Elena" Stefan says "she was already unresponsive" he adds "so I did. I pull the door and took her out of there" he explains "you kept telling me to go but, I couldn't just leave you in there" he declares locking eyes with her again

"you freed me from the seat belt" she finishes for him, the memories coming back to her

Stefan nods "I did" he confirms "you got out of the car"

"But I didn't make it to the surface" she finishes for him "I was so close, I remember seeing it but then, all just faded" she states, her heart tightening with the memory

"I brought Elena up and was able to reanimate her" he explains "she was going in an out of conscience so I gave her some blood" he says "she was really weak" he adds looking down, as if the memory pains him "I looked for you, but you never come back to the surface so, I went back for you" he says looking up "you were sinking just a couple of feet under the surface. I pulled you out but I hadn't had time to do anything else since the ambulance was arriving" he explains

Eve bite her lip in thought "so that's why Elena had no injuries whatsoever and I was at the hospital for weeks after the accident" she comments "I wasn't able to go to my parents funeral. I went to their grave weeks after their death; Tyler, Caroline and Bonnie were there with me. I just didn't have the heart to asks Jeremy and Elena to come and relive their funeral all over again" she says, letting one single tear fall that she is quick to clean with the back of her hand "all this time people thought that my sister was the one that saved me" she comments

"I'm sorry, that I couldn't do more" Stefan apologies sincerely, the pain still noticeable in his green eyes

Eve shakes her head "leaning forward to grab Stefan's hand "are you crazy?" she wonders, letting an warm smile gracing her lips "you saved Elena and me" she points out, squeezing his hand in hers "thank you" she says genuinely grateful to him

Stefan smiles at her, but his smile is quickly replaced with a serious expression "and that brings us back to what your sister found out today. The reason that a stayed in Mystic Falls" Stefan declares, getting up and walking out of the room

Eve frowns, looking at Leo for an explanation "he'll be right back" he assures locking eyes with her "are you sure you're ready for this?" he wonders running his hand down her tear stained check

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