Hunted - Halloween

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Tonight was the Halloween party at the school and somehow the twins manage to convince Jeremy to come with them despite his bad mood regarding the all Vicky situation. He's costume was of himself but still, it was a victory getting him out of the house. Elena was a little less annoyed by her twin seemingly laid back attitude towards vampires and didn't mention her little escape with Leo that morning again so, everything was peaceful.

The three of them arrive at the party to see that it was already pack with people. They walked around the crowd to make their way inside the school building. At one point, a group of small kids, looking adorable in their costumes, pass next to them and Jeremy jumps to scare them making them squeal. Eve laughs at her brother and Elena is amused as well even though she gives Jeremy a smack in the arm. It was nice seeing him having fun.

They finally get inside and among the crowd, under all the neon lights; they spotted Matt leaning on a wall with a doctor costume that matched Elena's nurse costume. It seemed that both of them didn't have time to pick out a different costume since last year, this could be a little awkward, Eve though.

He sees them and smiles, walking closer "You went with last year's costume too, huh?" he says with an amused tone. Evangeline was relived to wear him sound so cheerful, she didn't want him to suffer over her twin anymore

"Yeah." Elena confirms "I didn't know that I was coming till an hour ago." She explains

Matt nods in understanding "Me neither." He says before turning his attention to Eve "and who are you suppose to be?" he asks with a frown

Eve tilts her head "Come on Mathew" she protests pursing her lips. Matt just shrugs "I'm obviously Nancy from 'Nightmare on Elm Street'" she clarifies with a disappointed tone in her voice while waving her tongue cell phone in front of him

Matt shakes his head with an amused smile "you always choose the weirdest costumes" he comments

Eve opens her mouth in fake shock "what?" she asks, offended "it's Halloween okay? You're suppose to pay tribute to your favorite horror movies" she defends herself

"Okay" Matt says putting his arms up in surrendering "And you're going" Matt guesses with a playful smile, turning to the twins little brother

Jeremy just glares at him and walks away without saying a word. The sisters share a look before turning their attention to a very confused looking Matt.

"He's not talking to me right now. We got into fight." Elena explains making sure to let Matt know that this attitude had nothing to do with him.

Elena and Jeremy got into a fight later in the afternoon when she told him to just let Vicky go and, let's just say that Jeremy was not really happy with that remark. And Eve didn't really blame him. You don't just let go of the people you like, in Evangeline's perspective Elena should really choose her words better sometimes

Matt nods "Yeah, I got into it with Vic too, when she got home." As on queue the twins eyes go wide "I'm trying not to smother her tonight, but part of me didn't wanna let her out of my sight." Matt adds

"What?" Evangeline lets out without thinking. Vicky was supposed to be in the Salvatore's house, not in a party full of people that she might want to eat.

"She's here?" Elena asks with a worried voice

Matt frowns, probably confused by the twins reaction "Yeah, you can't miss her. She's a vampire.

Elena lets out a breath while Eve runs a nervous hand trough her hair "of course she is" Eve murmurs looking at her sister that was already looking at her

Lion Rose - Night Light [1] (A Gilbert twin story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora