Bloodlines - Tomb

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The youngest Salvatore opens the door and Leo puts his hand on Eve's lower back leading her out of the house. They all enter Stefan's car and he quickly starts it up getting them out of the drive way

Eve looks out of her window, her head suddenly snapping in Stefan's direction when she notices where he was headed "you better get to her grams house" she warns "she's probably there" she adds

Stefan looks at her through the review mirror and nods changing the direction of the car.

Leo turns to stare at his brother "you know this is dangerous right?" he asks

Stefan nods, not looking in Leo's direction. Eve looks between the both of them, confused at their exchange of words "why?" she wonders

Leo sighs, taking his eyes of Stefan to glance at Eve "Bonnie's grandmother is a witch" he says "she could easily sense what we are" we clarifies shooting a disapproving look in his brother direction

Eve's mouth opens in realization "Oh" it's all she could say

Stefan lets out a frustrated breath "she could also sense that I only want to help" he points out, his tone a little more harsh than usual

"Let's hope so" Leo replies in the same tone, but Eve could sense the worry behind his voice

"Well Sheila is really sweet" Eve pips in "I'm sure she'll understand the situation" she tries to appease the situation. That didn't really seem to work since an awkward silence took over the small space

When they arrived Stefan practically jumps out of the car, with Leo and Eve closely following behind him to the front door. He knocks and the three of them stay in a tense silence waiting for the door to open.

After a moment the door opens reveling Sheila on the other side "Hi." Stefan says politely

She faces Stefan for a moment, not noticing Leo and Eve behind him "Can I help you?" she asks stepping closer "Evangeline" she greets with a smile "I haven't seen you in a while" she comments

Eve returns the smile walking towards her and greeting her with a hug "yeah, I know" she agrees with an apologetic tone

Sheila tenses all of the sudden making Eve step back to look at her "oh honey" Sheila coos brushing her fingers trough Eve check

A deep frown appears on Eve's face while Leo and Stefan share a confused look between them "it's everything okay?" Eve wonders unsure

Sheila looks at Eve with concern obvious in her eyes "I hope so" she lets out

Eve is taken aback and stays put as Sheila moves slightly away from her, focusing her attention back on Stefan "I'm Stefan, I'm a friend of Bonnie's" he explains extending his hand for her to shake. Sheila keeps a rigid posture as she takes Stefan hand "this is my brother, Leo" he adds pointing at his brother that had stepped next to Evangeline. Leo looks at grams for a moment before extending his hand as well giving Sheila a quick hand shake. The older women was really serious and alert as she stares between Leo and Eve offering the brunette a knowing smile "I've been told that she might be here" Stefan says grabbing Sheila's attention again

Sheila straights herself up, facing Stefan "She was." She confirms "Not anymore." She informs

Stefan remains serious "Do you know where she went?" he asks

"No. But you do." Sheila states

Eve Stefan and Leo frown at her statement "I'm sorry?" Stefan wonders, confused

Sheila seems calm and unfazed "I told her to face down her fear. And I'm sensing now that you know exactly why she was scared." She explains. Stefan's expression softened in realization while Leo and Eve share a guilty look among them "You know what I am." Grams says taking an intimidating step forward "And yet you offered me your hand, both of you" she says glancing at Leo at her right "which means you wanted me to see that I can trust both of you." She declares

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