Unpleasantville - New Vampire

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Eve hears her sister slam her door shut as she reaches the last step. A deep sigh leaving her lips when she stops in front of the dark wood door. Her hand slowly reaches up to quietly knock.

"It's me" Eve says, when she realized that her sister wasn't going to answer

"Come in" Elena said, sounding annoyed

Eve turns the door handle and opens the door "I came in peace" she says playfully

Elena closes the dresser drawer loudly "I'm not in the mood for jokes Elle" she warns, opening another drawer and looking through her clothes

Eve closes the door behind her "sorry" she mumbles walking to bed

"They lie to us; all this time" Elena lets out, running a hand trough her hair "can you believe this?" She protests

Eve takes a deep breath "I don't think that they did that to hurt us" she points out

Elena scoffs, taking some clothes from the dresser and closing the drawer "this is all too much" she says, turning to her twin. Eve nods seeing in Elena's eyes all the pain she was feeling even though her tone was harsh "I'm going to take a shower" Elena informs walking to the door

Eve gets up; following her sister out of the room "I'm going to get something for us to eat" she says stepping farther away from her twin and towards the stairs

Evangeline wasn't really hungry but she didn't know if her sister had eaten so, she thought that might as well try and put something on their stomachs. After all they couldn't function on air alone and the past couple of days had been taking a lot out of them. Not to mention the energy that they would need to face what was to come.

When she walks into the kitchen her eyes land on Jenna right away, she had her back turn to Eve and her head was hanging while she leaned on the kitchen counter with an empty glass of water next to her.

Evangeline thought about leaving for a moment but, that quickly was out of the question since her aunt turn around. A little gasp leaving her lips as she was catch by surprise with Eve's presence

Jenna's hands quickly find her way to her face in an attempt to hide the tears that were slowly falling down her checks "how are you?" she asks, clearing her throat right after, noticing how her voice was breaking. Eve walks towards her aunt, holding her in a tight hug "I'm sorry" Jenna says, holding her niece close

Eve shakes her head "It's not your fault" Eve assures

"I should've told you" Jenna murmurs against Eve's necks

Eve pulls away "I understand why you didn't" she says, locking eyes with her aunt "all of the responsibility just fall on your lap, you weren't expecting to ever have to do this" Eve says softly "we are all adjusting, we are all doing our best. I understand" she adds

Jenna nods, the tears still falling down her face "I was going to tell you, I was just..."

"I know" Eve assures, cutting off her aunt "and Elena knows it too" she adds "she just needs a little time, I promise that she'll come around" Eve guarantees "now, please, don't cry anymore, because if you cry I will cry" Eve pleads cleaning Jenna's tears "see" she adds pointing at her face when a tear rolls down

Jenna sniffs "Already stopped" Jenna states with a small smile, reaching forward to catch Eve's tears with her thumb

"Is everything alright?" Jeremy asks startling Eve and Jenna

Jenna clears her throat "Yes" she says, avoiding eyes contact with Jeremy, she didn't want him to see her cry "Just lady problems" she lets out, rubbing Eve's arm "I better get to my bedroom" she adds, glancing at Eve that nods.

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