Unpleasantville - Let's Dance

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In the middle of her sister's screams, Eve heard Elena's name being called by a familiar voice. Slightly more relived Eve hits something that was softer and warmer than the wall that she was expecting

"You really are a walking trouble aren't you?" Leo murmurs next to Evangeline's ear

Eve turns around, slightly, to see Leo standing between her and the wall "it was not my fault this time" she defends herself

Leo, gently, nudges Eve forward. He steps forward, looking around just in time to see the intruder speed to the door and making a quick get away

Eve looks pass Leo to see her sister lying on the ground "Ella" Eve exclaims running to her sister side "are you okay?" she asks, worriedly, kneeling next to her twin

Elena nods "yeah" she assures, getting up with the help of Eve

Stefan stops next to the girls and Elena throws herself in his arms, visibly shaken by what had just happened "Are you ok? Are you ok?" Stefan asks, repeatedly, while stroking Elena's hair

Eve looks around to notice that Leo was nowhere in sight. Worry was starting to take over when the blonde man waltz back into the house through the still open door "he disappear" he informs and, immediately, a nervous tension settles among them "I call Damon, he's on his way" he adds, stopping next to Eve

"Damon" Elena wonders, suspicious

Leo nods "he wants to catch this vampire as much as we do" he states calmly

"We can trust him on this" Stefan assures. Elena nods, leaning her head on her boyfriend's shoulder "Lets go seat" Stefan suggests, noticing that Elena was still shaking

"Are you okay?" Leo asks, turning to Eve

She sighs "physically, yes" she answers in a low voice

Leo takes a step forward, his eyes locked with hers as he reaches up to touch her face "Elle, that man... he was..." Elena speaks up making Eve and Leo step away from each other

Eve clears her throat "the pizza men" she finishes for her twin "apparently we can't trust anyone" she adds, walking around the couch to stand in front of her sister and Stefan "and, since we can't tell anyone, I suggest that we put a 'forbidden inviting people in' sign on our entrance" Eve lets out, visibly frustrated

"Elle..." Elena calls sadly

Eve lets out a breath "I don't wanna fight" she says "I'm not used to all of this, that's all" she adds

"We are going to find a solution Evangeline" Stefan assures

Even though she thinks that whatever solution they find for that particular situation it was nothing more than to brush the dust under the carpet and, the danger will still be lurking around, Eve knew that getting into a fight in that moment wouldn't take her anywhere so, she simply nodded "I know" she says calmly "I'm gonna go get a glass of water" she informs "does anybody want anything?" she asks, walking towards the kitchen when everyone shakes their heads 'no'

"Eve" Leo calls gently, walking into the kitchen

"I'm fine Leo" she assures taking a glass from the cabinet before turning to him "I just think that we should warn some people, we can't protect everyone all the time so... maybe if they knew..." Eve rumbles a little

"Hey" Leo interrupts, stepping closer to her "lets think about this for a second" he suggests stopping in front of her "you can't tell anyone right now, unless you want to take them away from the dance" he points out

Eve sighs, shaking her head "they are better there" she says, looking down "I think that anywhere away from me and Elena is safer right now" she comments sadly "we clearly attract trouble" she blurs out "especially Elena" she adds with a mocking smile playing on her lips

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