You're Undead To Me - The Moment Of Truth

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Eve stays still, just staring at Leo's shoes in front of her. She wanted to move or say something but it seemed like her body wasn't obeying her. Even though she hopes for a rational explanation deep down she already knew that there was none and that what she was about to hear was going to change her life and her believes forever. She was nowhere ready for that but, living in the dark was not an option.

"Come on in" Leo says breaking the silence and taking a step back so Eve could enter the house

Eve looks at the ground and takes a deep breath trying to shake her fear away. She looks ahead of her into the big mansion and takes a couple steps forward stopping next to Leo, still unable to face him.

Leo closes the door behind her and an involuntary shiver runs through her spine. That was it, ready or not she was going to find out the truth about the Salvatore brothers.

Leo looks at Eve, studding her for a second, she looked scared but here she was ready to face the truth despite the fear. Leo was willing to stay back and let Stefan be the one to tell the twins the truth but, Evangeline was the one to come find him. From his room he was able to hear the desperation in her voice when she was talking to Zach and his heart sink upon hearing that. He wouldn't run from her anymore he just couldn't. If she wanted to know the truth, than he would tell her. This was her life after all, she had the right to know the danger that she might be facing.

He takes a step towards her "let's talk in my room" he says walking forward suddenly nervous with the possibility of her walking out of his life

Eve follows after him in silence. While she was climbing up the stairs the thought of how stupid the decision of coming to his house might have been come to her mind. If they turn out to be vampires she was walking right into their lair and making herself vulnerable. Eve knew that and, even so, she didn't run away. She didn't really understand why but Leo makes her feel safe somehow, even though he could be dangerous she didn't believe that he would hurt her so, she keeps following him without hesitation.

He opens the door to his room and stays back waiting for her to go first. She does just that looking around at the big room, surprise to see how modern it looked against the old fashion mansion. She takes a couple steps into the bedroom hearing Leo close the door behind them. She doesn't turn to him, Evangeline keeps walking to the brown leather couch that was place in front of the fireplace and takes a seat. She hugs herself, suddenly feeling the cold and, cursing herself for forgetting her jacket on the car

Leo notices that and picks up his black hoodie that was hanging on the back of his desk chair "here" he says handing it to her

She takes it giving him a small smile "Thank you" she speaks for the first time, her voice almost a whisper. She puts on the hoodie and zips it up, instantly feeling more warm and comfortable.

Leo turns his desk chair in the direction of the couch and seats down, giving Eve space, so she wouldn't feel threatened by him. He wants her to feel that she could leave at any time if that's what she wants. They stay there, in silence for a moment, just getting themselves ready for what was about to happen. It wasn't an awkward silence, just a tense one, like something big was about to happen

Leo clears his throat suddenly feeling nervous about what he was about to do, if she didn't take the news well and decides to tell anyone his family could be in danger "I will tell you everything" he says breaking the silence "I just want to asks you to not tell Elena right away" he asks still thinking that his brother deserves a chance to explain himself to his girlfriend

Eve glances at Leo, surprise with his request "I can't promise you that" she says truthfully "she's my sister" she adds hoping that he understands that she couldn't keep her sister in the dark if his secret puts her in danger

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