Unpleasantville - Lucky One

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The twins see the two brothers disappearing on the crowded dance floor, pushing aside the over exited students that get in their way. The urgency is clear on their unusual aggressive body language

Eve feels Elena's hand grabbing her wrist and turns to her "let's go" Elena says, dragging Eve with her around the dance floor to search for Damon

The twins look around, frenetically searching every face in hope to find the eldest Salvatore. Suddenly, Elena's phone starts to ring bringing the sisters to a halt. Eve watches as her twin absentmindedly answers the phone without even looking at the caller ID

Elena's expression changed from worried to terrified and that alarmed Eve that, immediately gets closer to her sister and push her ear closer to the phone so she could hear "Here's what you're going to do." A man's voice came from the phone making Eve frown at the treating tone he was using. Elena shares a horrified look with her sister before looking around her for the source of the call "There's an exit door behind you. You girls have five seconds." The man, that Eve assume was the pizza vampire, warn making the twins nervous when they spotted the open door that the man was referring to

"No." Elena states firmly, surprising Eve

"Or your brother dies." The man on the other side of the line threatens nonchalantly

The twins eyes go wide and their hearts race while they search the crowd for their little brother. They see him by the punch bowl, casually serving himself some punch, unaware that the man standing next to him, talking on the phone, was a dangerous vampire that was threatening his life

The twins watch the vampire while he talked again "I can snap his neck so fast I bet there's not even a witness. Now, start walking." He demands sending the girls a threatening glare

Eve inconstantly nods "we'll go" she agrees taking a step back

Elena looks at Eve and then back at the tall man before starting to back away towards the door as well "Don't you dare touch him." Elena warns in a surprising firm voice considering how scared she was felling

The vampire smirks "Keep walking." He says, taking a couple steps forward "Through the door. Both of you" He spits out walking past Jeremy

The twins stumble back nervously, her heads still close together as they move, bumping into some of the students dancing around them. Elena hangs up the phone and Eve immediately grabs her arm "run" Eve demands, dragging her twin with her right after the man pass Jeremy without even touching him

Eve pushes her sister with her into the already open door. The protest of the people around them going unnoticed as their main focus was to find a way out. The sisters rapidly run down the surprisingly empty corridor. Eve's hand still grabbing onto her sisters arm as they look behind them to see that the pizza vampire as not yet caught up to them. Their heart raced and their legs seem to move at their own accord while they turn into another corridor only to be meet with a set of close doors

Panic raised in Eve as she spotted the closed doors at the end of the corridor. Her legs kept her going forward while her mind run a mile an hour considering all of her options, not that there were many at that point. If she turns around she would most likely run right into the pizza vampire so, her only option was to keep going forward and hope that the doors would open. Elena seemed to think the same and they both almost thrown themselves at the big doors, frenetically jiggling the doorknob to get them to open.

Even though the twins were using all the force they could master the door didn't bulge. "It's chained shut" Eve states, noticing the chains through the small window on the door

Elena notices the chains and quickly turns around "oh my god" she mumbles, pressing her back on the door

Eve turned around as well seeing the tall man calmly walking towards them "lucky one?" she whispers turning to her sister, knowing that their best bet at the moment was trying to find Stefan and Leo

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