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|•Chapter 5•|

"I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you in my life." -Ashanti x Thank You

I love my baby.

"Ky would you stop?" I said laughing. "Put me down."

We were at the lake and he kept trying to throw me in. Swear this boy childish as fuck. But this my baby though, and he is so sweet. We been back together for about 2 weeks and it's been the best 2 weeks of my life. He is keeping his promises and we spend lots of time together. Saturday we had date night and he took me to Sky Zone call it childish, but I had a blast.

"Fine." He said fake pouting and putting me down.

"Awee pooh. I sorry." I said trying to grab his face.

He flipped me off.

"Let's go then." I said seriously.

"Shut the hell up. You not bout that life." He said pushing me and laughing.

I folded my arms across ny chest. Did he think I was playing? I was dead as serious and he was laughing. He must've saw the way I was looking because he stopped laughing.

"Oh shit. You forreal?" He said looking at me.

"Yes." I said in a duh tone.

He came up over to wrap his arms around my waiste. "When the time is right, we can. But right now is not a right time. I want your first time to be special. Not just in a hot ass room on a lil small ass twin size bed. When we do make love it's gone be everything,ok?"

Awee. My baby is to sweet. He didn't say fuck or sex. He said make love. The fact that he was willing to make my first time special made me love him even more. Even after everything we been through.

"You promise?" I asked holding up my pinky.

"I promise babygirl." He took my pinky and then kissed me.

My phone ringing interupting our kiss. I pulled away and answered not really paying attention to the caller I.D.

"Hello?" I said in a cheery voice

"Hey can you meet me somewhere so we can talk." It was Chris.

I hadn't heard from him since me and Kyron got back together. He avoid me at school and we take eveey class together. It bothered me at first, but then I just said fuck it. I don't know what his problem is, but whatever. I admit when Kyron and me broke up at first I felt like I was in love with Chris and that we could be more than friends. Maybe I still feel the same.

"What do we have talk about?" I snapped walking away from Kyron. "You've been avoiding me for three weeks."

"Look. Cut the fucking attitude, aite? Meet me at the park on the North side in 30 mins." He said hanging up.

I shook my head. He makes me so sick. Who the fuck he think he is? Calling and demanding that I meet him. What could possibly be so important that we have to talk about? Hmph! I would like to know why he has been avoiding for two weeks, though. I guess I can go meet him, but only because I wanna know why he's been ignoring me. Not because he said so!

"You good?" Kyron asked walking beside me.

I tried to come with an excuse as to why I had to leave. I knew he would be mad he knew I was cutting our time together short to go meet Chris. "Um yeah, I have to go meet my mom. I'll see you later. K?" I lied.I hated lying, but I was just trying to avoid drama.

He kissed my lips. "That's cool, ma. I'll see later."


I was sitting on the park bench waiting for Chris to show up. He was already 20 minutes late. I'm giving him five more minutes and if he don't show up I'm leaving.

Five minutes passed and he still hadn't showed up. I shook my head and grabbed my bag. I cut short my time with my boyfriend to meet him here and he don't show up. Trifflin ass nigga. As I was walking to my car my phone started to ring. It was Chris.

"What?!" I snapped.

"Whoa. Well hello to you to."

"Cut the bullshit Chris. Your late and I'm leaving."I semi-yelled

"C'mon chill. I'll explain to you why I'm late. I'm parked right beside your car."

I hung up and walked to his car. He was about to get cursed out forreal. I got in his car making sure I slammed his door.

"What the fuck?" He yelled

"Ahh shut the hell up. What is so important that we had to meet?" I snapped

"I just needed someone to talk K." He said softly.

I sighed he's always here for me so it's only fair thay I be here for him "Ok Shoot."

"Ok. So Lauren is well was pregnant. When I was driving here she texted me and said she got an abortion. That's why I was late."

Whoaaaaaaa. She was pregnant and got an abortion? That's low as fuck. I never did like the bitch, though. And it's most definitely like her to do some trifflin shit like get an abortion. I just felt sorry for my bestfriend. But why was I sad at the fact that he was gonna have a baby by another chick. From the look on his face you could tell he was looking forward to being a dad. On the sly I wanted it to be the one who was gonna carry his child. Wait what the hell was I thinking? I love Kyron! I reached over and grabbed his hand. "Hey. It's going to be. How far along was she?"

"4 months." He mumbled.

WHAAAAT? There's no way she had an abortion. She was to far along.

"Chris wait. Did you say 4 months?" I asked thinking I heard him wrong.

"Yeah." He said

"Chris. There's no way she had an abortion. She was to far along to even get one. She played you."

"Damn. I should've known she was lying. I'll handle her. But in the meantime. Why you been anti?"

"I wasn't being anti-social. You've been avoiding me. I tried to talk you last week and you just walked away from me. So I just decided to leave you alone." I explained

"Damn. My bad K. It's just that Lauren yold me she was pregnant and wasn't going to keep the baby. I was in my feelings. I'm sorry." He said looking at me.

"It's cool. Just don't do it again. If you do imma beat your ass."

He laughed. "K. You always here for me and vice versa. Thank you. I-"

He was cut off by my cell phone ringing. I help my finger up and answered.


"Aye ma." Lawd his voice was gone be the death of me. "I got a suprise for you. You down?"

"It depends on what this suprise is."

"You shall see. I'll pick you up at 8."


"I love you."

"Yeah. Love you too."

I hung up and spent a couple more hours with Chris. Catching up. I just love my bestfriend so much

But why was I having these feelings?!

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