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Kyra is in the MM !

|•Chapter 23•|

"Congratualtions mommy. Your having a princess and a little prince." The doctor announced and I smiled big and wiped tears from my eyes.

After everything that I had been through, it didn't matter. Because at the end of the day I had my kids, and that was all that mattered.

"Yassssssss bih! I'm gone be a auntie. Bout to spoil my niece and nephew. Yassssssss! Whew. Karlie lets go girl so we can go to Baby's R Us. Mhm!" Kyra said jumping on the doctors back and he grunted. Poor man probably had arthritis with his old ass.

I shook my head I can't take this bitch no where man! -_-

"Kyra get off this man back so he can get this gel off my stomach! You see he old as shit, get off him." I shouted at her.

She rolled her eyes and got off his back. "Your such a party pooper." She pouted. "I was having fun with his old ass."

"I'm still here you know!" The doctor said and we both laughed.

He walked over to me and got the gel off of my stomach. "It seems like the little guy has caught up with his sister. Their both developing well. Keep taking care of your self and you will continue to have a healthy pregnancy."

I nodded and got off the table.

I can't wait for my babies to get here bruh. Like I'm bout to spoil the shit out of them!

We walked to the car and got in.

I watched as Kyra hooked her phone up to the aux cord and she was going hella slow. She ain't even started the car up yet and we been in here for like two minutes. "Girl hurry the hell up! I'm hungry. "

She put her hand on her chest. "Oh bitch I know you ain't talking to me!"

I sighed and didn't say nothing. If I answered we would be in this parking lot all day.

"Thought so!"

She started the car and we drove off. "Cruising down the street in my 6 fo, jocking them bitches slapping the hos. I went to the park to get the scoop knuckle heads out-"

I slapped her none singing ass up side the head. "Im gone punch you next time. Shut the hell up Kyra!"

"See that's why I don't like ya ass now. Ohhhh see! Bitch ya so ungrateful. Here my lil ass is driving you to appointments and shit and look how ya do! Seeeee ohhh I will fight a pregnant person. Himme one mo gainnn and watch I chop you in yo throat! Don't believe me just try me!" She said popping her imaginary collar.

I held back the laugh. She is mad annoying but I love her slow ass to pieces.

"But antyways chile. We going to Baby's R Us because I needa buy my neice and nephew some fly ish!" She said pulling into Baby's R Us parking lot.

"Man we bout to be walking around all day!" I complained.

"Shut up Precious and bring ya ass!" Kyra said putting on lip gloss.

We got out the car and walked into the store.

After being in the store for only twenty minutes we had two buggys filled to the top with baby stuff.

"Kyra girl this is enough I'm tired and I got class in a hour." I whined.

She snapped her neck at me. "See this why I can't take ya no where." She said pulling out her cell phone. She dialed some numbers and put the phone to her ear. "Lil bitch Kaylin?"


"Whatever. But look my nigga. Karlie in here complaining and shit and I'm trying to get my shop on for the babies so look. In a hour come get a G from Baby's R Us. "

They exchanged some more words and she hung up.

"Here ho!" She said handing me my keys. "You done worked my nerves so leave!"

I didn't say nothing I just walked out the store and to the car.

Once I made it home I checked the mailbox and saw that I had a letter from Kyron. I got giddy as hell. That always happen when I get a letter from Kyron.

I miss him like hell man. I aint know it was gone be so hard without my nigga mane.

I got in the house and dropped my purse in the kitchen.

I sat down at the island and opened the letter.

Dear Karlie,

First off I'm a start by saying this, Gah damn Gah damn (Drake voice). Nah, but on a serious note. Man daaaaaaaaaaayum I miss you bruh. I'm a pretty ass nigga man and these niggas in here be trying it cuh. Do you know the other day a nigga tried me!? But anyways. What you been up to ? You better not be wearing no heels or eating no big ass greasy chicken and shit. Just cause a nigga locked down don't mean I won't bust out of this bitch and spank ya ass. *wink wink* But hold it down for a nigga ma! You know imma be back soon, right? Don't think for a minute I'm bout to do these 20 years. Foh! Don't forget the promises I made baby girl. I love you and tell my lil niggas I love them too.

P.S- We gone name them Kyron Jr and Kyron Jr. I know its two boys!

Kyron !

See man. This is why I miss him. I remember all the promises he made. And belive you me, I'm gone hold him to that.

I put the letter down and layed my head on the island. I had so many different feelings it was crazy.

"Annnnnd baby is you drunk is you had enough! Are you here for love? Ohhhh whooooo whoooooooooooooo! Kay and Kyra got the club going crazy!" Kyra and Kaylin walked into the house singing loudly.

I slapped my hand on my forehead. I can't never get peace when these mufuckas in the house.

One minute they fussing and the next minute they like each other.

I think Kaylin has a crush on Kyra though.

But let's save that drama for later. I got class in a few and I need to go............

I updated. My internet connection be trippy y'all. Sowwy. 15 votes 30 comments! Don't forgeeeeeet to vote and comment!!!

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