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|•Chapter 12•|

Kyron pressed the end button on his phone and chuckled to his self. He wasn't chuckling because something was funny but because he was mad as hell. He felt like a complete fool.

Somehow, during Karlie's and Chris' intimate session they managed to butt dial Kyron, and he heard everything. EVERYTHING.

He was heated and beyond pissed. Kyron felt like such a fool because he was willing and able to work his and Karlie's relationship out. And here he was worried about where Karlie disappeared to, and turns out she was with Chris. FUCKING HIM!


Chris and Karlie had no idea that they had butt dialed Kyron.

"You gone leave Lauren?" Karlie asked raising her head off of Chris' chest.

Chris sighed and rubbed his fingers through her hair. "K, I can't. We already had this discussion."

Karlie fought back the tears! Being pregnant always had her emotional. She was willing to give up her and Kyron's relationship. So she felt like if Chris really loved her he would be willing to give up his and Lauren's.

Karlie climbed out of Chris lap and into the passenger seat. "Can you take me home please." She said barely above a whisper. She was now crying full blown tears.

Chris rubbed his hands down his face. He wanted nothing more than to be with Karlie. That's what he always wanted. "If I was your best friend. I'd want you round all the time, best friend. Girl I wanna make you mine, best friend. Girl you know I think you fine, best friend." He started to rap/sing

Karlie couldn't help the smile that came on her face. "Shut up, Chris."

"You love me?" He asked


"No. Let me hear you say it!"

"I love you Chris." She said smiling big.

"That's what I'm talking bout. Gimme some!" He said puckering his lips.

Karlie pecked his lips and pulled away when he tried to deepen it. "You play to much." He said sucking his teeth.

Karlie stuck her tongue oout. "Awe pooh I know! You love me though."

"Shut up mane and put ya clothes on so we can go!" He laughed

Karlie laughed to and put her clothes on. Everybody know Karlie bipolar right? First she hates Chris and then she just got through fucking the shit out of him! Then she was crying because he wasn't gone leave Lauren and now she smiling like that shit never happened.

Chris was sitting over there grinning like a mf. Power of the pregnant pussy. He was so happy right now. Because honestly Karlie had the best pussy ever. If her pussy was that tight, imagine what her head game like. Those where just the thoughts running through his mind. Lauren was the least of his worries. Shit, he wasn't even worried about the amount of stress he was putting her under. Poor Lauren! She didn't deserve that. Even after what she did.

* * *

At the party Lauren was sitting there crying her eyes out. Yes, she did Chris dirty. But how would you feel if your baby's dad was in love with another female? And then on top of that he called you her name! That wasn't a reason to lie about aborting their baby but still she wanted him to feel her pain. And to everybody judgin her Lauren says fuck y'all because y'all don't know her struggle. And to the person who just called her trifflin. Lashaya. She don't give a fuck! Who are you to judge? (A/N sha that's all Lauren ! Not me!) Y'all better know because it's two sides to every story and you only heard Chris point of view. Hmm.

Meanwhile downtown at the ATL police department FBI agents where getting ready to make a big bust on Kyron Poole. Tonight Kyron was making his last drop and then he was gone be out the drug game, but little did he know the whole thing was a set up. Kyron was about to sell 50 kilos of the purest coke to an undercover FBI agent. And then he was gone be thrown in jail for most likely 30 years to life! Agents couldn't be happier that they where going in for this bust! But it was all because of their stoolie, Jennifer! If it wasn't for her coming to them a couple weeks ago, they wouldn't even have a case.

Jennifer is a trifflin ass bitch and a ho! She went after two of Karlie's niggas! Jennifer always wanted what Karlie had! She had tried to get with Kyron way before Karlie did! But he wasn't interested in cuffin her. All he had his eyes on was Karlie. So it was pay back time. She wanted him to hurt like he hurted her. After finding out she was pregnant, she told Kyron! And he said he wanted a DNA test! She found that fucked up because he didn't ask for a DNA test with Karlie's baby, but he wanted to DNA test her's. So she went and snitched. Jen don't give no fucks. She was gone take Kyron away from Karlie because K whooped her ass. This bitch is all fucked up and I'm starting to think her ass need some fucking mental help. Ole Physchotic ass. Oh, yeah she wanted revenge on these people and really they ain't did shit to her! Shit, who wouldn't DNA test the baby of a ho?


At the party Kyron was still mad as fuck! He just couldn't believe that Karlie would FUCK Chris while she pregnant with his kids! The fuck kind of shit is that? This nigga got so fucking mad that he punched the brick wall! But he ignored the pain in his fist and did it again! And again! And again! This was the only thing he could take his anger out on. He had to do something to calm himself. All kinds of thoughts where running through his head! All of a sudden his trigger finger was itching. The only thing that had stopped him from killing Chris before was that he knew how much he meant Karlie! He wasn't gone kill him though. Why? Because he knew that nigga had a baby on the way. Usually Ky don't have no sympathy for these niggas, but he was changing.

And as for Karlie? It was gone take everything in him not to put his foot up her ass! He didn't hit females but she tried it!

Kyron posted up on the wall! He was waiting outside for these two to come back.

After about 20 minutes later he saw Chris' car pull up. He watched as Chris went and helped Karlie out the car. Then she pulled him in for a kiss.

Kyron just shook his head. All thoughts of hurting either one of them went out the window! Kyron just walked away! For the first time in forever (ole girl from frozen voice) Kyron felt heartbroken. The girl he loved was happy with someone else. He had never seen her smile like that with him! So he was gone let her be happy! His main priorities was his kids.

Kyron was so fucked up that he called and cancelled the drop he was gone do. He'd just get out the game without making it.

This was kind of short!
I really wasn't feeling this chapter but I just felt like one was over due!

Major shout out to my mf BFF PIC & all at @ayyalsinababe she showed maaaaad love! Thanks bae. She also gave me major feedback on the last two chapters!

But anyways y'all. I got some shit up my sleeve! *rubs hands* ha-ha you ain't gone see it coming! I promise !!!!!

But leave some comments and vote. Share this if you think its good! The more votes I get! The faster the chapters come !

So like what y'all think about Jen? And the scripts has flipped! Now it's Kyron who wants to be!

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