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A/N- I would update every day but my nephew tore all of the keys off my laptop forcing me to update on my phone soo until my new one comes *sighs* updates will be everyother day or on the weekend.

|•Chapter 7•|

"This world is forcing me to hold your hand" - No Doubt x Just A Girl

What the fuck did I get myself into?

It's been a week since I had the talk with Karlie and we've gotten even closer and she's been here with me through everything. After finding out Lauren lied about aborting our baby I broke up with her. When she told the truth we, decided to sit down and talk with our parents. Lauren had just broken the news to everyone and her father was the first to speak.

"So you got my little girl pregnant huh?" Lauren's dad asked.

I nodded.

"Well before this baby is born your going to marry her."

"Phillip, no." Her mother spoke

"That's ridiculous. I'm not going to sit here and let you force my son to marry your daughter." My mom spoke up

"It's either that or they give the baby up for adoption." He said raising his voice.

"Daddy your being unfair." Lauren cried.

"Unfair my ass. What's unfair is my daughter laying on her back and getting pregnant with this niggers child. Now, I've said what I had to say. Either get married or the childs going up for adoption."

I ignored his racist remark. Small detail I forgot to mention. Lauren is mixed, her father white and mother black. But I don't want my child to go up for adoption and I know that Phillip could easily take the child from me. Lauren could care less about this situation. She's already complaining about how she don't want a baby and getting fat and all this other unesscarry shit. "I guess where getting married Lauren." I said standing up and walking out of their house. I jumped in my car and went to Karlie's house.

* * *

When I got to K's house I got out and went in. I didn't have to knock because I had a key. I bust in her room where she was laying on the bed watching Drake and Josh "Guess fuckin what."

"What?" She said looking up from the t.v.

"I'm engaged."

She looked back at the t.v and laughed "Stop playing." I didn't say anything. "You are playin right?"

"I wish I was man. Lauren's dad is forcing us to get married. He said if we didn't then baby was gonna go up for adoption."

I saw tears form in her eyes but she quickly blinked them back. "He can't make you do that. You can't marry her Chris, you just can't. No you have to marry me. She can't have your baby Chris. I'm suppose to. No! No! No! Me Chris. I love you, not that bitch. WHAT.THE.FUCK."She was now standing in my face punching me in the chest. I grabbed her hands.

Why was she doing this? She has a boyfriend. I was happy to hear this but I mean why tell me this now.

"Karlie what are you talking about?"

"OMG!I can't believe I just said that." She said puttin her hands over her face.

"Please tell me what your talking about."

"Chris I'm in love with you. But I didn't wanna say anything because I thought it would ruin or friendship."

I have been waiting so long to hear those words from her. Now that she's finally saying it I don't know how to feel.

"Why haven't you been told me this? I was feeling the same way." I admitted.

"I didn't know how to." She said wiping tears from her eyes.

She was so beautiful. Even standing here crying her eyes out. Gosh, I love this girl, so much it's crazy. I cupped her face and kissed her. I bit her bottom lip and slipped my tongue in her mouth. I kissed her with alot of passion her doing the same. She jumped in my arms wrapping her legs around my waist. She pulled my shirt over head and I did the same to her. I pulled her bra off and ran my tongue across her nipples while she bit down on my neck moaning.

I walked to her bed and threw her down on it. I finsihed undressing myself and her. I pulled three condoms out of my wallet and put all three of them on. I always triple when I fuck.

"Climb on top, ma." I instructed

She climbed on top of me and slowly slid down my shaft. "Ahhh shit." She screamed moaning.

I gyrated my hips as she rode me. "Just like that, ma." I groaned

I flipped us over and went deeper inside of her. "Chris, ahh shit baby I'm finna, cum." She said. Her legs started to shake. "Fuuuck." she let out a loud grunt.

I kept pounding inside of her and she came again. I released with a loud a grunt. "Damn K. You so tight, ma."

She blushed and put her hands over her face. I pulled out and disposed the condoms. After I came back from the bathroom, I put my gym shorts back on and layed beside K who was still naked. "So where does this leave us?" I asked

"I don't know. Where do you want us to stand?"

"I'll break up with Ky to be with you." She said looking at me.

I sighed. "I'm still gonna marry Lauren."

"WHAT?!" She screeched pulling away from me.

"K I have to. If I don't then her dads going to put my kid up for adoption, and I can't have that. I'm sorry. I love you K, but I love my unborn to. We can still be together."

"No Chris we can't. What the fuck will I look like being with you and your about to marry someone else?!"

"I'm being forced to marry her K. It's not like I want to, but I will do anything for my unborn child."

She started to sob. "Well I will never play second hand to no bitch. Can you please leave?"

See why I didn't wanna go there with her? I knew it would ruin our friendship.

"K don't do thi-" I started

She cut me off "Leave Chris." She pointed at the door for emphasis.

I sighed.

Then the door opened and standing there was Kyron. He looked at Karlie naked body and my bare chest and I guess he put two and two together .

"What the fuck is up?!" He asked and then attacked me.

•Ahhhh shit. Ky walked in.
•Cliff hanger yeeeeah.
•Anyways 2 comments 5 votes and I'll post the next two chapters.
•Excuse my mistakes I didn't edit this.

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