Karlie (Pt. 3)

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A/N- I know y'all hate me right now. You'll love me again later though..... But anyways after the next couple of chapters I was thinking of doing a Q/A. Ofcourse people have to participate for me to be able to do it. So this is basically how it works. You PM me a question that you wanna ask a character and then they'll answer them..... Opinions? Yall can start asking them now..... And I know my update game weak asf but school is just so much and my grades dropping like a mf. But fall break. I got a whole wknd plus two days off. So I'm gone try my best. TRY! To do ten chapters. Starting today. I Alot huh? But its time to speed up this process and get to the fun parts......... Enjoy

|•Chapter 17•|

*No song lyrics*

I knew I should've never trusted this ho. Once a snake always a snake.

"You just had to be so perfect, huh? Just had to be all smart and shit! Everybody likes Karlie. But what about me? They hate my fucking guts. You let a nigga ruin our friendship. Why?" Jennifer asked with tears rolling down her cheek holding the gun.

I looked at this bitch like she was out of her got damn mind. "You need to think about your unborn. While you doing all of this. Think about your son or daughter." I said looking at her with disgust.

"Im not worried about this baby right now. This thing," She pointed to her stomach,"Is the last thing on my mind. It's all about revenge."

I looked at her crazy. "Bitch revenge for what. If anybody should want revenge its me. You the one who slept with my damn boyfriend. All this shit I'm going through is because of you. So what the fuck do you need revenge for you pyshco ass bitch." I yelled forgetting that she was holding a gun.

She raised the gun and shot me two times in the shoulder. "Ah fuck!"

"Don't fucking call me that! You bitch." She screamed.

I wasn't trying to hear what her ass was saying. I was trying to stay conscious and get me and my babies the fuck out of here. Because if I survive and they don't I'm gone be so fucking broken.

Jennifer tapped the gun against her temple as if she was thinking. "Oh my gosh! What have I done? I'm so sorry Karlie. I'm going to get you help just stay awake, ok?" She kneeled down in front of me and kissed my cheek. "You got to be strong for my god babies."

I had no strength to fight I just layed on the floor in my blood. "No wait what the fuck am I apologizing for?" She asked. "You ruined my fucking life."

She took her gun and started to pistol whip me with it. It hurted so much and I wanted to fight back so but I had no fight in me. All I could do was clutch my stomach and pray that nothing would happen to my babies.

The beating came to a halt and Jennifer kneeled down beside me. "I'm so sorry that I had to do this. But it made me feel so much better. I'm going to call 911. Ok? Can you give me the number so I can call them? Your losing alot of blood. What's the number?"

I didn't speak. Everything was blury then it was black.

* * *

"Ms.Parker? Ms.Parker? Can you hear me."

I groaned loudly and opened my eyes. The bright light caused me to hurriedly close them back though.

I slowly opened my eyes so they could adjust to the light. "Good your awake. Can you sit up?"

I slid up a little and groaned. My whole body was aching. "Is my babies, ok?" I asked. I hope they were ok because if I lost them I have no idea what I would do.

"The babies are fine. One is growing faster than the other but that can sometimes happen. Also, one of the babies is breeched. If we can't get it to turn around then we may have to have a c-section."

I nodded my head. I was just happy that they both were alive and doing well.

"Ok, two detectives are coming in to ask you questions. "

He said. After he left out two police officers walked in. "Karlie Parker. After you are released from the hospital you will be put under arrest for the attempted murder of Jennifer Sampson."

I looked at the motherfucker like 'bish whet?'

"What did you just say?" I asked

"You.Will.Be.Placed.In.Jail.For.The.Attempted. Murder.Of.Jennifer.Sampson." He said slowly.

I sucked my teeth and went off on that motherfucker. "Listen bitch! You got the wrong damn one! Now you need to be arresting that physcho ass bitch Jennifer. You gone bring yo fat ass up in here telling me you gone arrest me. Nigga do you not see my current condition? I have bullet holes in me. But I'm going to jail. I'm pregnant with twins. What the fuck do I look like trying to kill someone? You better get the fuck out."

"I am a police officer. You will not speak to me with with disrespect. Me or my partner isn't leaving until we get wha-"

"Nah bruh. You stressing my wife out. Get gone. Come back later." A voice spoke from behind him.

I looked up and saw Kyron standing behind him looking all scrumptious. He was so damn sexy. No wonder I'm pregnant. If I was able I would've jumped out of this bed an-

What the hell am I talking about. I am with Chris.

The police tried to speak but Kyron held up his hand and pointed at the door. The poilices left.

He walked over to where I was and smothered my face in kisses. Then he went to my stomach and started kissing it.

"I'm so sorry." He said

No words where needed.

I didn't want to know why he was out of jail of how. I didn't need to hear an apology. I wasn't worried about Chris. Nothing. In this moment it was about me, my twins, and Kyron.

What's meant to be will be........

Sooooo yeah this was short. I wanted to make it longer but my phone is acting up. But there's plenty of more where that came from. Y'all know I wasn't gone kill K. Cmon now. Buuuuut. Awe leme hush.

Don't forget about the Q/A

I know I can get at least ten ppl to participate. PM me the questions.

Later ! -j

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