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I just wanna say thanks to EVERYBODY who showed me love: voted , commented, followed, etc. 💞❤️

It's been a long 4 months but I did it..

This book was originally going to be about only Chris, Karlie, and Kyron but took it a step further.

I hope y'all see how the title really played apart in the book. Everybody wanted somebody that they just could not have.. That had to sit on the sidelines...

I Wanna Be is over but the cast will be back for more Drama in 2016 😊😊.

A special thanks to Keyelah_Jones she showed love. She commented on almost every chapter thanks girl.. 😘❤️

Thanks to allasiapittman 💪🏾💞 my bih rocked with a nigga. When I wanted to give up she pushed me and told me don't stop.. Love you 😘😘

Last but not least Ayyalsinababee When I say Sha has rocked with me since I started I mean she has rocked with me since I started.... She always.. ALWAYS showed me love. Always commented. She helped me with this book. Without her I'm not even sure if finishing this would've been possible. I can't even tell you how grateful I am. But I love you ❤️💛 And thanks for encouraging me and pushing me. Thanks for telling me to push harder and not give up.... 💪🏾🙌🏾 Love you Lashaya 😘💞

Thanks to everyone else who showed me love.. Those where just the three who stood out the most....

Also I'm about to post and excerpt to my new book so check it out.. 🆗❤️

It's been real! 👋🏾

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