Chapter Eight

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-Neibolt Again-


The Losers made their way to Neibolt, to stop Bill from doing it alone. The sky was almost completely black when they arrived. The full moon shines brightly in the sky.

Bill was getting to walk up the stairs when Beverly called out to him.

"Bill!" He turned around.

"No! No you guys! No...!" He objected, already knowing what they were doing. "I st-started all of this. It's my fault that y-you're here. This curse...this fucking thing that's inside you all. It started growing the day that I m-made you go down to the barrens, b-be cause all I cared about was finding G-G-Georgie. I didn't even look after my own sister"

He looked at Charlotte with teary eyes, "I never asked if you were okay. I never asked how you felt. And I'm sorry"

"And I- I'm gonna go in there. I don't know what's going to happen, but I can't ask you to do this..." Bill trailed off as Charlotte walked forward and picked up a spike.

"Well... we're not asking you, either." She smirked.

"We didn't do it alone then, Bill." Mike spoke up. "So we're not gonna do this alone now."

"Loser's stick together." Stanley and Ben said simultaneously. The others nodded in agreement.

They looked at Eddie waiting for him to say something.

"So does anybody want to say something?" He asked.

"Richie said it b-best when we were here last." Bill spoke, making them all look at Richie.

"I did?" Richie asked. "I don't want to die?"

"Not that." Bill shook his head.

"You're lucky we're not measuring dicks?" Charlotte rolled her eyes.

"Try again, dumbass."

"Let's kill this fucking clown?"

Bill gave a chuckle and nodded.

"Let's kill this fucking clown." Richie nodded, more sure of himself.

They all walked into the house that was molded and smelt like decomposed bodies. And Charlotte had a guess that that's what it was. Black goop started to fall down the stairs.

"Well...I love what he's done to the place." Richie looked around.

"Beep beep, Richie." Beverly said.

Bill, Charlotte, Richie, and Eddie walked into a room that looked like a kitchen, while the others looked around in the main room.

They were all looking around when Ben gave a sharp gasp of pain and started cradling his stomach.

"Ben!" Beverly called out. At that moment the door shut, blocking Charlotte and her group from the others. They all started banging on the door yelling for Ben.

The fridge then gave a loud rattle. Charlotte jumped and let out a gasp as she, and the others, looked towards it. The fridge began to bang and the door slowly opened revealing a... decomposed child Charlotte.

"It's you, Lottie." Richie stated the obvious.

The decomposed Charlotte began to scream, resulting in Richie letting out a short scream. The head then rolled off to the other side of the room.

"I'd still be alive if it wasn't for you, Bill." It spoke making Charlotte tilt her head. She was alive, so what the fuck was it going at?

"No..." Bill's voice cracked.

The head began to make noises and bumps began to move at the sides.

"Richie, what's happening to me?" It asked.

It let out gasps of pain as spider legs began to appear out of the sides. They even came out of the eyes, which Charlotte found the most disturbing.


"You've got to be fucking kidding." Richie spoke. The head gave a short laugh before running at them. Charlotte gave a loud scream drawing Stan's attention from the other room, where Beverly has just smashed the mirror.


Eddie kicked the head away from him then it ran at Bill, who hit it into another room. Richie looked around before noticing Eddie in the corner.

"Eddie..." He ran towards his soon-to-be lover. "Are you okay?"

"I'm..." Eddie trailed off as saliva dripped down between him and Richie.

They all slowly looked up and saw the head.

"Oh there she is." Richie said before the head jumped on his face. They all let out a scream. Bill and Charlotte both gripped it's hair and tried to pull it off, but to no avail.

"Get it off of me!!" Richie kept screaming.

"Th-the knife...! God damnit, Eddie! Get the knife!" Bill yelled at the frozen man in the corner.

"Eddie get the knife!" Charlotte yelled this time. Charlotte then saw Ben run forward and grab the knife before stabbing the head repeatedly. He began to yell as he stabbed. The blood floated towards the ceiling.

Charlotte threw the head across the room and it slowly crawled it's way out.

"Is everybody okay?" Beverly ran forward and began to wipe the drool off of Richie.

Bill stood up and ran at Eddie.

"Georgie's dead! The kid's dead! Do you want Richie too?! Do you want Richie too?!" Bill yelled in Eddie's face.

"N-no...I was just scared Bill. Please don't be mad." Eddie spoke shakily.

"Well don't be... that's what It wants. Don't let him have it." Bill backed away slowly, realizing what he was doing.

Does anyone know where I can find the full movie for free (It Chapter Two). No viruses please!

-Love, M.

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