Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

2 months, and I still haven’t forgiven Zayn for anything. Maybe because I hate him, and because we don’t talk anymore. I have absolutely no one anymore, except the bar that has come to know me. Only because I go every day after work, get drunk, and they end up getting a cab for me to go home. I’m not an alcoholic if you’re wondering, no. I just drink a lot. But I don’t need it, I choose to have it. Pathetic? I know, I know my mom’s told me many time before. But there’s really nothing else for me to do, except sleep, work, drink, shower, eat, then repeat it all over again. I unlocked the door to my apartment and walked in slowly. I just didn’t feel up to getting drunk tonight. I set my bag down and took out a pot. I filled it with water and set it on the stove to boil. I think I’ll do with a cup of tea tonight. I walked around my bed to my dresser and set my phone on the charger. “Reagan is that you?” I turned around, and climbed onto the dresser. A head popped out of my covers, and;

“Bobby, Hunter what are you doing here?” I exclaimed, nearly out of breath.

“Mom dropped us off then left.” Bobby got out of bed and hugged me tightly.

“Oh my god, you guys scared me.” I hugged him back. “Where’d mom go?” I asked.

“I don’t know, I think to Texas or something over there.” My eyes widened.

“Texas?” I paused, looking down at Hunter. “She just left you here and left? She knows I have work, and I can’t just leave you here alone.” My breathing quickened quickly. “I-I” I couldn’t comprehend any words. This was just too, shocking. How inconsiderate of her to just drop two 9 year olds off and go to another state, without anything to say. Hunter handed me a paper.

“She said this is all.” I took the paper and unfolded it with my trembling hands.

Dear Reagan,

I’m sorry I can’t explain face-to-face but I had to go quickly. I’ve found something out, I can’t bare to tell you yet. I needed to leave your brother and sister with you for a couple of months. I enrolled them in a online school, so they wont need to go anywhere except wherever you take them. I’ll be back in time, I’m not dying or anything. But when I come back, I’ll explain why I had to leave. I love you honey, I love you dearly, but I need to do this.



I looked up and Bobby and Hunter were deep in conversation. I paced the floor, getting everything in my head. “Reagan, did you hear about Harry, he’s been so depressed lately. People are saying it’s because of this Reagan girl.” I glared at Hunter and she went back to talking to Bobby.

“S-Someone hand me my phone.” Hunter reached for my phone and handed to it me. I unlocked it and dialed my mom’s number. She didn’t answered and I tossed my phone on the bed next to Bobby. “Come on, we’re going somewhere.” They both got up and pulled on their shoes. I slipped my phone into my pocket and pulled my hair into a pony tail.

“Where are we going?” they both asked in union.

“For a walk, I need some air.”

“So you guys just packed up all your stuff and got on a plane?” they both nodded their heads.

“Oh, and mom said to tell you something about your couch, it’s a pull out bed or something.” My jaw dropped.

“Really, and she failed to mention that to me?” I asked, sipping on my milk shake.

“Yeah.” Bobby nodded his head slowly. I looked at his brown eyes. I got my dad’s blue eyes, and my mom’s hair. While Bobby and Hunter got my mom’s blue eyes, and my dad blondish brown hair. It’s really all a mix up, really. “Was dad nice?” my eyes fell down to the wooden table. “I mean we’ve never met him, but you hav-“

Tell Me You Love Me ( Zayn Malik Fan Fic )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz