Chapter 25: He Shoots, He Chores.

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Jin and Chelsea were currently in the lab, and Chelsea was currently rambling about Trent to Jin since he was a good listener and didn't seem to care that much about saying his mind, unless it was Mine.

Chelsea: I mean, yeah, Trent is funny, sweet, and cute, also very artistic, but I don't see myself in a relationship, he's more like a brother you'd go for help, like a person who'd you ask for advice or be there to lift you up when you're down. You get that, right?

Jin: Uh huh.

Cheese: I mean, you guys are strong as hell, I can give you that, but I just don't see how two couples can happen in the middle of a war of Tatsumi and Akame, and Jun and Leone. I can understand Jun and Leone since they're practically gods even though Jun's powers are stripped, and Leone is still a human, but Tatsumi and Akame? I just don't understand. They're strong too, but what if I'm not able to be strong enough to live out the rest of my days with my hypothetical love interest?

Jin: Chelsea, do you want some advice?

Chelsea: Yes.

Jin: Give it time. That's my best choice. It can be an ally or an enemy. But only you decide. Mainly because I don't know Trent as much as you do. Speaking of whom, have you talked to him in the past few days ever since his confession?

Chelsea: Kind of. And maybe not. But hey, at least there's only two couples. It's not like Sayo and Ieyasu are gonna ask each other out. Also, thanks for listening, Jin. You're not that bad of a guy.

Jin: You're welcome Chelsea.


Oh, how wrong Chelsea was. Sayo was alone in Ieyasu's room, and she finally got up the courage to ask out her childhood friend.

Sayo: Ieyasu?

Ieyasu: Yeah, Sayo?

Sayo: Listen, I- uh, *sigh* I've known you and Tatsumi since we were kids, and you've given me a place to live when my parents died, and me, you, and Tatsumi vowed to stick together, whether our former army dreams or being in Night Raid, but I wanted to be together with you.

Ieyasu: We are together.

Sayo: No, like just the two of us.

Ieyasu: I don't get it.

Sayo: Ok, the truth is, I'm in love with you, Ieyasu. You've done so much for me, and I couldn't think of any other man I want to be with. Other than you.

Ieyasu: Sayo. I- I can't believe I'm saying this. But I love you too.

They then get closer and closer until their lips touch and they kiss passionately without ever letting go. It felt like they were in heaven without actually being in heaven. All they wanted was to be in the moment as their feelings bursted out like an overflowing dam. Soon they stopped to catch their breath and Ieyasu rubbed his head in embarrassment.

Ieyasu: Well, I guess me finding sexy sophisticated city women is off the table forever. But I'm glad it is.

Sayo: Yeah. I actually punched you not because I was disgusted, but because I was jealous. I only wanted you, and I couldn't stand even thinking of the idea that some city girl would sweep you off your feet.

Ieyasu: You wanna tell Tatsumi?

Sayo: Yeah! We just can't encounter Trent. He got shot down by Chelsea and has been quieter than usual.

Ieyasu: And also Jin. You know how jealous he gets.


The happy new couple rush down to see Akame and Tatsumi making out, again, and Jun making some pancakes while Leone got ingredients.

Akame Ga Kill OC Story: Brothers of the Afterlife (Tatsumi x Akame)Where stories live. Discover now