Chapter 42: Fate can be Cruel

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The group were currently trying to rescue Lubbock from the forces of Shadow Daggers, Wild Hunt, and Isaac and Syura. Jin and Lubbock were captured, but they managed to free Jin and needed to save Lubbock.

Jin jumps up and repeatedly kicks and slashes Steppenwolf, who fires poison and fire towards the Earthen Spirit. He dodges and jumps and uses his basic energy to make claws and fire them at Isaac.

Jin: Lil help?!

Sayo and Ieyasu went to go free Lubbock while Akame, Tatsumi, Declan, Haruki, and Sophia went to fight the enforcers. Akame and Tatsumi came across Seryu, Price, Kim, Christian, and Shiloh; Haruki and Declan and Sophia came across Cosmina, Champ, and Syura; all while Jin fought Isaac.


Akame: Tatsumi? Are you ready?

Tatsumi: Yeah. Incursio!

He transforms into his light dragon armor and prepares to face off against Seryu and Price, while Akame fought Shiloh and Kim.

Seryu: Koro! Eat the evilssssss!

The dog barked at his master's hiss and lunged toward Tatsumi. The dog crashed into a pod as Isaac and Christian got mad.

Isaac: What around doing?!

Christian: If you destroy those pods, you're lives are gone, you incompetent baboon!

Seryu: Sorry sir!

Tatsumi: (Really?) Akame! Deal with them! I'll deal with the dog!

Akame: Ok.

Tatsumi taunts the dog and Seryu and Price, by shooting a beam of light with his spear. Soon, he attempts to fight Price as Seryu holds him by the leg.

Seryu: Koro! Eat him!

Koro rushes towards the light dragon warrior and Tatsumi was about to be eaten alive until Akame came out with Murasame and slashed the dog's core in half.

Akame: You will not mess with my lover

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Akame: You will not mess with my lover.

Tatsumi: I love you.

Akame: I know.

She turns into a demon and starts rapidly attacking Price in order to kill or stab him, but he guards with his stinger. Shiloh tries to fling explosives towards Akame, but they were easily able to be dodged. Soon, Akame was able to make her way through the chaos and stab Shiloh through the stomach.

Poison went through his systems as he started to cough and hack, until he collapses and coughs blood. Kim was shocked at this moment and tackles Akame and starts attempting to maul her. Her rush was strong and she was able to break the wall.

Kim: You'll pay for that you little bitch!

She then shocks Akame with all her energy she had, and the demon girl got fried by he gloves as Tatsumi saw. He got angry and used his tail to stab Kim in the chest. But the scales were thick enough for it to bounce off.

Akame Ga Kill OC Story: Brothers of the Afterlife (Tatsumi x Akame)Where stories live. Discover now