Chapter 43: I'm Sorry

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The gang were currently mourning the loss of Sayo and Ieyasu, as Pedro was currently narrating their memorial and officiating the funeral.

Pedro: We mourn the loss of Sayo and Ieyasu, who gave up their lives to rescue Lubbock and destroy the laboratory of Christiana Sherwood.

Esdeath: Uh, it's Tristan Chester.

Pedro: Whatever. *ahem* These two were originally supposed to become the forces of the Army, but fate made them turn into assassins as them and Tatsumi became some of the biggest assets to their cause. Even after all that, both of them were also lovers. I may not know that much about them, but at least they'll depart from this world together.

Soon, a statue was made thanks to Jun's efforts as the fox began to cry into his sleeve while Leone patted his back. Tatsumi and Akame went up to say a speech in their honor once Pedro walked off.

Tatsumi: Sayo and Ieyasu were my best friends, and they helped me so much. Jin and Jun wouldn't have been able to be found, I wouldn't have found the love of my life, and I still remember the days in where we would go to my parents bakery and eat cookies and buttered bread. *sniff* At least you'll do that all the time now.

Akame hugged him and walked him down before going back up.

Akame: They were true friends, true allies, and a true reason as to why the Empire must be taken down. Sayo and Ieyasu, you'll always be one of us. An ally, a friend, but most importantly, family.

Everyone began to cry as Akame comforted her boyfriend and Night Raid comforted Tatsumi.

Lubbock: I'm sorry man.

Mine: They were true friends, even if they didn't like me. And, also......I'm sorry. I know I can't ever be forgiven for the way I treated you and your friends, but, I am sorry. You don't have to forgive me or anything, I wouldn't do that either.

She leaves as Najenda and Susanoo walk up, with Jun and Leone.

Jun: They're probably with my parents now.

Leone: We're here for you, Tatsumi.

Najenda: We all are.

Susanoo: Mia would, but her and Kelly are off on patrol.

Leone: Yeah. I haven't gotten a message in weeks.

Chelsea: Don't worry.

Trent: You're family.

Tatsumi: *sniff* Thanks guys.


The group take a moment to train up while Esdeath and the rest of the Generals and Jun were currently working out some of the troops.

Esdeath: Were we really on the bad side?

Jun: Yep.

Narita: Why do you think I became a double agent? Not just because my nephew and all.

Esdeath: Ok, further up the ropes!

Declan: Come on!

They then began to run up the ropes as Pedro quickly flew over using his fire abilities. Then he got to a rope downward and had his legs lock the rope while he blasted fire down. He landed with immense speed and ran past the mud pit.

All the other soldiers, while not Pedro, they were strong. They used weapons or other items s hooks as they slid down.

Esdeath: Not bad.

Narita: Anything can be used as a weapon.

Jun: How hair?

He slices a part of his hair off and gives it to Narita. Narita then tosses it into his face and punches him afterward.

Akame Ga Kill OC Story: Brothers of the Afterlife (Tatsumi x Akame)Where stories live. Discover now