Side By Side

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Mayu raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise as she placed a hand over her heart dramatically. "Why, Brendan," she began, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "I didn't know you cared."

Brendan chuckled, taking a step closer. "Well, a guy's got to know his competition, right?"

Leaning in, Mayu whispered with a smirk, "Actually, I do have a lover." Before Brendan could respond, she playfully added, "And guess what? I even shared a kiss with him."

Brendan blinked, momentarily taken aback, before a mischievous glint returned to his eyes. "Let me guess, Raiden?"

A blush crept onto Mayu's cheeks, but she chuckled softly, not confirming or denying his guess. Brendan seemed to understand, his playful demeanor softening slightly.

"Well," he began, looking genuinely sincere, "If he ever breaks your heart, just know that you've got a suitor waiting in the wings."

As they walked side by side, the hustle and bustle of Petalburg City surrounding them, Mayu glanced over at Brendan with a curious expression. "You know, Brendan, I've been wondering... Why haven't you participated in any gym battles yet?"

Brendan shrugged nonchalantly, a wistful look in his eyes. "I've been training, of course. But I've been waiting for the right moment. I'm planning to challenge the Mossdeep Gym next."

Mayu raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Mossdeep, huh? That's a tough one. But I'm surprised you have tried any other gyms before now."

Brendan chuckled, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "Well, I wanted to make sure I was fully prepared. Plus, I heard that Mossdeep wasn't accepting challengers for a while. But I've got a good feeling about it now."

Mayu nodded, impressed by his determination. "Well, I wish you the best of luck. Just remember, it's not always about winning or losing. It's about the experience and the growth that comes with it."

Brendan smiled gratefully, his eyes reflecting a newfound determination. "Thanks, Mayu. That means a lot. And who knows? Maybe our paths will cross again in Mossdeep."

With a friendly wave, Brendan set off towards his next challenge, leaving Mayu with a sense of anticipation and excitement for what lay ahead for both of them.

Late into the night, the dim glow of the room's lamp illuminated Mayu's focused expression as she sat on her bed, tinkering with her Pokémon's Pokeballs. Across the room, Ren's phone screen cast a soft blue hue on her face as she continued her conversation with Moon.

Ren's fingers moved swiftly over the screen, her eyes occasionally flicking towards Mayu. "Moon, you wouldn't believe the adventures we've been having," Ren typed, a faint smile on her lips.

A few moments later, Moon's response popped up. "I can only imagine. But remember, with great adventures come great challenges. Stay safe, Ren."

Ren sighed softly, her fingers hesitating over the screen. "I know. It's just... everything feels so different now. The stakes are higher, and I can't help but worry about everyone."

Moon's reply was almost immediate. "You're stronger than you think, Ren. And you have friends who believe in you. Trust in yourself and in them."

Mayu glanced up from her Pokeballs, catching Ren's distant gaze. "Everything okay?" she asked, concern evident in her voice.

Ren nodded, offering a reassuring smile. "Yeah, just catching up with an old friend."

Mayu nodded, understanding the sentiment. "Well, if you ever need to talk or vent, I'm here."

Ren's smile widened. "Thanks, Mayu. That means a lot."

As the night wore on, the two friends found solace in their shared experiences, drawing strength from each other as they prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.

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