The Edge

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Raiden sorted through their backpack, pulling out various items and setting them on the table. His brow furrowed as he assessed their dwindling supplies. "Looks like we're running low on Hyper Potions, Max Repels, and a few other essentials," he murmured to himself.

Riyu, sitting on one of the beds, looked over with a hint of concern. "Do we need to restock?"

Raiden nodded. "Yeah, I'll head to the Lilycove Department Store to pick up some supplies. I want you to stay here with Mayu and make sure she's okay. Don't open the door for anyone, okay?"

Riyu's eyes widened slightly, understanding the gravity of his words. "Okay, I'll make sure to keep the door locked."

Raiden gave her a nod of approval. "Good. And if, for any reason, someone comes knocking and you're unsure about it, wake Mayu up and stay alert. This is the base of operations for Team Aqua afterall."

Riyu nodded solemnly. "I will. Please be safe."

Raiden offered her a reassuring smile. "Always am. Just keep an eye on things here."

Raiden, navigating through the aisles of the Lilycove Department Store, almost collided with a woman deeply engrossed in a stack of files. Papers fluttered to the ground, scattering in different directions.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Raiden exclaimed, bending down to help gather the scattered documents.

The woman looked up, slightly flustered, her glasses perched precariously on the bridge of her nose. "No, it's my fault. I should've been more careful."

Raiden couldn't help but glance at the files in his hand. The documents were filled with complex charts, diagrams, and notes detailing the relationships between Pokémon and humans, with sections on potential mutations.

"These files..." Raiden began cautiously, eyeing the woman, "They're about Pokémon-human connections and mutations?"

The woman hesitated for a moment, her gaze sharp and assessing. "Who's asking?"

"Just someone concerned about the well-being of Pokémon and humans alike," Raiden replied, trying to keep his tone neutral.

The woman seemed to ponder his words for a moment before responding. "I'm Dr. Emeka. And yes, I've been researching the intricate bonds between Pokémon and humans. But mutations? That's a strong word."

Raiden raised an eyebrow. "So, you're not experimenting with altering humans or Pokémon?"

Dr. Elara sighed, adjusting her glasses. "Research is a complex field. There are always ethical boundaries to consider. My work focuses on understanding, not altering. But there are always those who take things too far." She gave him a measured look, her eyes searching his. "I appreciate your concern. And I assure you, my intentions are purely academic."

Raiden hesitated for a moment, then decided to take a calculated risk. "Dr. Emeka," he began cautiously, "I have a personal stake in understanding these bonds. You see, I carry Mewtwo cells within me."

Dr. Emeka's eyes widened in surprise. She took a moment to process the revelation, then responded, "Mewtwo cells? That's... incredibly creepy. And potentially dangerous."

"Yes," Raiden admitted, "Which is why I'm keen on understanding more about these genetic connections. Your research, as you mentioned, focuses on understanding these bonds. Could you help me? Help me understand what this means for me and potentially for others?"

She looked thoughtful, weighing the implications. "It's not common knowledge, but I've come across theories suggesting that certain Pokémon DNA, especially legendary ones like Mewtwo, could have profound effects on human physiology when combined. But it's all theoretical."

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